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My name is Rosebay. I am 19 years old, and I live a normal life, if anyone could use the word normal at all. However, if your average everyday, college student with a minimum wage job in retail were to live my life, the word normal would be completely abolished. I certainly didn't believe in such a word, nor took belief into its meaning. What is normal anyways? A simple social construct created by society to categorize things we are used to. Oh, yes... I was anything but normal. And so was my social life.

To put it simply; I hang out with psychopaths. As in psychopath, you would think of someone who is in a mental hospital, strapped down, with a muzzle over their mouth, screaming, "GET THEM OFF ME, GET THEM OFF!" Not at all.
These psychos were completely real. Completely insane. Completely free.

These twisted fiends were my friends. I hung out with them every chance I got, considering I'm doing what every other young adult has to do to survive in this boring truth we are forced to face everyday; reality. Having a job, paying bills, and going to school. It was getting hard to hang out with these deranged lunatics. I had no real friends anyway. Ever since high school ended, I drifted further and further from people, except for a friend or two. I was strange compared to your average Joe. I dress quite morbid for some people's tastes. I rarely wore colors, except for occasionally, red, blue or purple. If we were to go with labels, I'm Goth. Fishnet, corsets, and bulky, noisy boots that can be heard from across a room. I love black, I adore old, run down architecture, I love creepy things, off putting subjects that make others cringe, I love horror movies, strange music. Which could explain my bond for my psychopathic friends. I couldn't help but feel grateful for my new friends. They were everything any creepy chick would want. Everything your tastefully disturbing mind could ever desire.

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