Chapter 24 - No Room for Smiling

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(Warning : the following contains disturbing content not suitable for everyone. Contains violent imagery and bloody scenarios )

"Pop goes... the weasel..."

I lay there bloodied and on the ground, my fate looking set. I couldn't believe this is actually happening. This is it. I only made it to age nineteen, an age where my life hardly even began. I take whatever time I have to think about my family. My mom, my step father, my biological father, my siblings, my grandparents. The fact that my parents will receive a call from the police saying their daughter was attacked by an unknown creature. The look on my mothers face when she explains to my brothers and sisters that I will be "going away". A call to my work to infrom my boss that her seasonal employer had been killed. I might even be head of the local news. A warm tear leaks down my cheek and onto the black pavement.

Then my thoughts move to Laughing Jack. My heart breaks at the thought of him finding out I'm dead... gone for good. Thinking of that toothy grin of his being turned upside down. I just helped that psycho clown rediscover what happiness and love is. I just returned him to that happy, rainbow clown he once was decades ago. I made him feel what it's like to have a friend again... he has a best friend forever. And if I get to die as his best friend... and someone more to him, so be it. I look down at the little pewter jack in the box with the letter "J" carved on it, dangling on my neck, clutching it in my palm. I just wish I could of told Laughing Jack that I...

"R.... ROSEBAY!"

My thoughts are broken by the sound of a voice calling my name. I know that voice. I look up to see the creature, who hasn't finished me off yet. It looks around, seeming confused itself by the sudden call of my name. It knows it will get caught if it wastes anymore time with its play toy. It decides to finish the job and my eyes widen as it lunges its claws forward, ready to plunge all five of it's talons into my face...


The demon is interupted by a sudden fist being slammed against its jaw, sending it skitting across the pavement, and flying into the forest until it crashes hard into the trunk of an Oak tree. "Wh...what..." I look up slowly, lifting my head up. Colorful polka dots adorning a black suit, a bright red bow tie. In front of my face on the pavement is a black top hat with a red ribbon around the base. "S....Splendorman?" He turns to face me, and it's Splendorman all right, but he has a mouth full of sharp, nail like jagged teeth in his mouth, his eyes glowing red. He sees my partially nude, mangled and bleeding body in the cold street. He sees the gashes on my back. Splendorman slowly turns his attention to the direction the creature flew.

"R.... Raaaake...." A low, demonic hiss comes from his mouth. Did he say... "Rake"? Is that what this thing that attacked me is called?

Splendorman's POV

I see in the distance the disgusting creature that roams these woods... that vile Rake. My brother and I banished that thing away from our land ages ago. It's not welcome here. So what in the world is it doing in the middle of the street? I get closer to see what poor animal is going to be slaughtered by its filthy claws. Wait.... that's... "Rose.. bay?" NO! Anger flows within me and I can feel my body trembling in hate. My grin immediately turns upside down and sharp, dripping teeth form. I waste no time as the Rake lunges its claws forward to end her. "R...ROSEBAY!" At the speed of light, I teleport myself right to the side of the Rake and I pile drive my fist into his jaw, sending the beast flying down the road and crashing into the woods. My hat flew off, but I didn't care at all... This feeling. How dare he prey on Rosebay! "S...Splendorman...?" I hear her, a weak tone in her voice. I turn, expecting to see a relieved Rose hug me with joy, but instead... All I see is her, on her stomach, weak and covered in blood... I look at her face, to see a bleeding gash in one cheek and a scrape on the other. Her shoulder has three bleeding cuts. Her back is exposed, her black clothing torn in half, leaving her partially bare, but her back... Her beautiful pale upper back has long gashes that trail down to her tailbone. Did he do this? I can feel my blood boiling in my body like the lava in a volcano. What he's done is unforgiveable. And he won't get away with this...

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