Chapter 26 - Blackmail

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I stare as before me, unexpectedly, is Slenderman. Why the hell am I dreaming about him?

"Why are you here?" I ask in shock. He just stares at me. I look down at his tendril that is tightened on my wrist. It's very strange how he stopped me. I yank my hand away to pull it off, but he persists. I look at the knife rack and with my other free hand, I grab a smaller knife and launch it at my forearm. A second black tendril clutches my other wrist, squeezing it tight. "Aah!" I drop the knife in pain, but as soon as it drops, he loosens its grip. "What are you doing?" I ask sternly, looking at the faceless man. My hands restrained, and I'm confused beyond belief. "He's just a figment of my dream... I can make him vanish..." I mutter to myself and try to focus on making him disappear.

My eyes widen as I am pulled towards him, facing him directly. Static erupts all around. Suddenly the kitchen begins to warp and become distorted. The walls melt, and the floor seeps away, turning from a black and white marble to lifeless dirt. I look around at my surroundings. Spooky, skinny, beautiful, lifeless trees everywhere. I look up, a gorgeous silver crescent moon is peering from behind dark clouds in a pitch black sky. "How..." I look back at him, only to find he's gone. I have no restraints now. I look around, only to be surrounded by trees. What should I do? I speed walk around the area, looking like this forest goes on forever.

I suddenly see a dark figure ahead of me. Is it Jack? I run towards him in a hurry. Even though it isn't the real Jack, I find comfort with him in all shapes or forms. "Jack!" The figure turns and I stop dead in my tracks. Those eyes... they don't belong to Jack. That naked, pale, scrawny body, those two gaping soulless eyes. "" I stutter. "Not you... not this again..." The Rake. Now I'm dreaming about him? He steps closer. Without thinking twice, I run for it. Adrenaline pumps through me and this time I'm determined I won't stop. I pant hard, trying to escape as fast as I can. I feel I get away a good distance, looking back. He isn't there. I turn around and my eyes widen as he is suddenly in front of me. As I stop, I stumble down on the forest floor before him, looking up at the creature. He raises his left arm and swings it down to strike me through. On instinct, I roll to my right, dodging him, quickly getting back on my feet to find a place to hide.

As I scounge the forest, I have so many questions soaring. Why can't I wake up? Why am I having another nightmare? More importantly, why is Slenderman in my dream and where did he go? I suddenly come across a cliff, stopping at it and peering over. Below is nothing but pitch black, no other way of escape.

I feel a presence. I turn around... and there he is. Cold, wide eyes. I freeze in my tracks... I have no where to go. The Rake comes closer and closer, looking in need of blood. I step back, only to come to the very edge of the cliff. I'm trapped... He inches closer getting ready to strike any second. If I jump, maybe it could wake me up. As soon as he swings his hand forward, I leap over the edge on my back, falling into a pit of black, being engulfed by darkness.



Did it work? Am I awake? I'm laying on a cold, hard, rocky ground. I open my eyes. A street. I look up to be blinded by an orange street light glowing down on me. It's definitely nighttime. I scan my surroundings. I see a sidewalk, and houses. I know this place...

My neighborhood.  I stand up, and look ahead of me. My house? How did I get home? The guys at the mansion couldn't of taken me home. They didn't know where I live, let alone having any way of getting me here. I approach my house, it being dead quiet tonight. I try to open the door, but it's locked. I then hear someone from the inside, footsteps getting closer to the door.

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