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This contains: angst

Xisuma's POV
Ugh.. Ex.. again..

I push him out. I don't want to hear another word, now everybody in my family hates me.. and it's my fault!
I fall into a corner in my base and begin to sob.. what am I doing with my life?

Everybody hates you, e v e r y b o d y

I try not to listen to the voice, but it comes back..
"No.. no.. no they don't! Please, no" I whisper to myself biting my nails

Come with me.. you'll be safe! I promise.. I promise you happiness.. just come. With. Me.

"No.. I won't.." I shout tears running down my cheeks
That was the last words.. I slowly drifted to sleep.. a deep sleep..
What- ..oh.. yeah..

I open my eyes
I'm still on the floor..
It's cold.. I stand up

I waddle over to my table and take on my helmet, I see that I'm low on food and I'm really hungry. So I flew out and searched for food, the cold air hitting me made me whine, I was cold in the first place and this was not helping.. but then I saw a pig! A animal who I never though would light my day up, I quickly dived and killed the pig then I sat down and ate the meat rotten.. probably not good for me but what ever.. I quickly ate it and took a deep breath
I don't want to go hunt for more food.. I'm just gonna starve myself.

I flew back to my base, I didn't want to go anywhere but to my base
As the cold air hit me again I was reminded of my past, how cold it was at that time. My mum and dad hitting me and.. ugh
I spammed rockets and almost lost balance but I handled it anyways..

I got home. Finnaly.. I took the last piece of meat and ate it, that's enough food
I walk into my base finding.. Biffa
I stiffen. No no no! Not the right time, I-I..
"X! How are you?" Biffa asked me walking over and leaning in for a hug
But as soon as we touched I pulled away,
"S-sorry" I said almost crying, I felt so bad..
I pushed him away and ran into a small room and slammed the door after me
I sigh, god.. I could use a hug right now-

They don't love you.. I do, listen to ME not THEM.. they don't deserve you

The voice said, I was so tired of it at this point
I heard a knock on the door
"X...? W-what's wrong? Are you ok?" I heard Biffa say weakly
I didn't responde but curled up instead
"I-I'll come back later I guess.." he said walking away leaving me alone
I sigh, not now

Days go by, the only thing I do is go hunt for food and stay home listening to the voice and working
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days

This is the 7 th. Day.. I really don't know what I am anymore
"What do I do now?" I ask myself

Today you starve, nothing else! They won't like you

Ah.. no food today I guess, I look at my food bar
6/10.. I can live with that, I think..

I get off to work, fixing bugs, fixing Grian who in some way banned himself
I fly off without hesitation, quickly spamming rockets


That must be Biffa again. He sends me messages everyday, he's worried I can tell that..
I don't answer him tho, I don't want to

I prefer to be alone sometimes when fixing things so I have my small bunker near Keralis construction thingy
I get in and begin typing commands, like always

That's right, good boy! Working is good for you

The voice says, I listen, with the days it has become more rough and mad.. I don't like it that much actually


Another day, gone.
It's almost noon and I'm finnaly done, Grian has respawned and all the bugs are fixed
I fly home without hesitation

You can do whatever you want now, I'm nice just like that

"Thank you.." I murmur to myself eyes half closed
I get home and sit down on the floor, I look at my food bar
A half left.. in a minute I'll die..

I sit and wait for death, then I lay down
"G-goodnight.." I whisper

Goodnight.. X

Tears form in my eyes as I start to feel pain, I was dying. Slowly but surely
I sigh and close my eyes waiting..

But then, I feel something press against my arm
I open my eyes to see.. nobody else but Biffa.. ah great
"X your dying! Eat this" he shouts looking very worried

Wait- no don't!

I hesitate, maybe I shouldn't? I'll die, this can save me- I DONT care I'm gonna eat that carrot
I take it and stuff it in my mouth chewing and looking down tears still running down my cheeks
"X, you were D Y I N G do you know that!? Why did you do that? What's wrong?" Biffa asked me pulling in for a hug, I don't hesitate but hug him back

"I-I.. I'm.. t-the voice a-an-and.. I-" I get cut off
"Tell me another time, I'll take you home to me and then we can handle this ok?" He asked
I nodded wiping tears away
He picked me up and set me on his back as we flew off into the distance

The cold air doesn't feel too cold anymore, not when I'm clinging on to Biffa like my life depended on him
I hug him tighter to show that I'm comforted

We're at Biffa's base now.. he takes me inside and plops me down on the couch while he goes to find something
I take the pillow besides me and hug it, it's been so long since I slept in a real bed.. it felt really good to be on a cough

Biffa came back with more food and some bandages to cover my scars
He hands me a bunch of kelp and beef which I eat
He then takes my arm which has a small scar on at and puts on a bandage, he does the same with the other scars
"God, how could you do this to yourself!?" He asked and holds my hand tightly
"Lets say.. that it won't happen again.. or at least I think so" I told him stuffing some kelp in my mouth
"It won't, I'll be there" Biffa comforts
"*sigh* I love you"

"I love you too"

Woooo, it's done.. I'm sick right now and I should be getting rest but I can't without being done with this and knowing that it's out and nobody is wondering: why isn't she postin?- Ren DONT attack me please I-

Well, god day or night

Edit: F*ck! I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered I didn't credit RenDogo ! Well thank you for the amazing idea! Go check her out she is so talented ^U^

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