Please be aware that there may be some kinds of abuse in these poems. I am mostly writing and posting about things I've been through in this book as a way of dealing with it and it's not my intention to upset or trigger anyone else.
Please see the first page of the stories for warnings of any kind before reading. I hope you enjoy my poetry.
I'm not good at naming my poetry so if you see one named "poem one" "poem two" etc feel free to suggest a name.
If you have any poems you want me to publish feel free to share them with me.
If any of you want to talk about anything please feel free to dm me. I'm always here :)
Instagram: hervenombite
Line: KatStark98
Kik: JuggyJ98
PoetryHi. This is my first book. I'm not the best at poetry but I enjoy it, I'm also going through a lot so I'll be writing poetry about that. Some, possibly most of my poems will contain some kind of abuse. I will put warnings at the top of what kinds of...