Chapter 1

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This story begins with a small village in a Planet called Sadala. A young Saiyan boy was just born but something was different from him like with other Saiyans he had a tail and when he cried it terrified the grand elder of the village. The Grand Elder told her servant Yukina to throw the boy on the cliff fearing that one day he would be the death of them.

Yukina - But he's the son of Muliana. Don't you think that we can treat him with love and he won't become what you fear. Hurada

Hurada - Don't pity the boy, do what needs to be done.


Yukina stood in the top of the cliff and starts to let go with tears in her eyes but she also slips a small red crystal to the boy as he looked at her before he started falling down the cliff.

Muliana - NO!!!

The baby landed in the river and Muliana was locked in her home until she was calm but it was the wrong move because Hurada ordered the ladies to open the house but what they saw horrified them. It was Muliana lifeless body hanging from the ceiling and this brought sadness to many as they knew Muliana was the kindest and sweetest Saiyan alive seeing her dead brought sadness to the others.

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest

Saiyan - Hey Boss look what I found.

A Saiyan that was the biggest of all saw the baby covered and he also saw the crystal.

Boss - What you've got there little guy?

He tried to remove the crystal but the boy held it tightly but for the Boss Saiyan it felt like he was trying to pull a giant boulder.

Boss - Come on you brat let go.

He bit the man and this cause the boss to let go and hold his finger.

Boss - Sharp teeth for a kid. You know what I say let's keep him.

The boy had finally found a home and when the Saiyans found out he had a tail they never judged him but thought he was mostly a hybrid. He was finally in a place where he belonged. With bandits.

(4 years later)

Time to time I would always run and train with what I called my brothers. Motaro and Pietro.

Motaro - Jeez this kid keeps getting faster he's leaving me in the dust.

I ran towards the cliff and once I reached the end I looked down and saw the village in the bottom. It was small but enough for most of the turf bastards to hide.

Motaro -  This mission is simple. Just take the most precious items from the defense force. Got it Gokhan?

Gokhan - Hmph easy.

Pietro - Wait here.

He gave me a small sword as I couldn't believe that they trusted me with this but I took it and the 3 of us jumped down.

Motaro - Remember only use it when we get spotted or when you truly need it. Got it?

Gokhan - Yes.

Pietro - We should split up and meet back here at night.

We nodded and I started covering my body with a giant hood. The rest of the villagers looked at me and then looked away some even saw the bloodlust in my eyes which scared them. Some of the kids even called for me to play and I saw they were playing a game with rocks. They threw the rock to the ground and they would jump on the circle and whoever was the first to fall loses.

Part of me was curious to play with kids my own age but I couldn't get distracted so I just told them some other time. The kids were nice they even told me their names and I told them mine. I felt like I was comfortable around them.

I ran towards the defense force and got some dirt on my face and punched myself in the face causing tears to come out of my eyes. I was ready to act the best I could.

Gokhan - Waaah! Waaah!

Soldier - What's wrong son?

Gokhan - My...mama...I can't find her.

Soldier - Okay relax son just come with me.

So gullible. This was going to be easy. He took me to a room and tried to "comfort me" as I didn't let up.

Soldier - Listen son we're gonna find your mom you just stay here okay.

He left as I took off my hood and washed my face and quickly started looking around the room. I didn't really find anything valuable just a bunch of small artifacts but I did find something interesting. It was a small map to a place called Jigan Palace.

Gokhan - Jigan Palace? I'll check it out later

I checked for a window or something so I can leave without trouble but nothing. Until I saw a small hole from the ground as I prepared to blast it open but before I could shoot, the buildings main doors opened and I heard the commander tell the rest of the soldiers to move out and get ready for battle since the Nimura race have landed on the planet and they were ready for battle. In a matter of seconds all of the soldiers inside the building were gone and outside trying to move the people away from the battlefield.

I smiled and took the chance to go to the commanders office and also the weapon area. But before I could reach it the building started to crumble and without even thinking I jumped out of the building and started running. Another explosion was caused but closer to me as it pushed me to a boulder and I hit myself quite hard and I laid there unconscious.

(3rd POV)

Gokhan wakes up maybe hours after the battle and he sees the whole village destroyed and he starts to walk towards the area as he sees the houses and stores burned and in pieces. He stepped into a piece of wood as he moved it and saw a doll as he remembered it belonged to one of the kids he met before. His anger was starting to rise as he kept walking through the flames like he was part of them, but the next thing he saw horrified him to a point of no return.

Gokhan - Motaro? Pietro?

He walked closer to the 2 bodies and tears were swelling up in his eyes. Both the two Saiyans that he called brothers were now dead and he was the only one that survived. However something snapped in Gokhan his energy started to increase dramatically and he let out a giant scream causing for the whole area to be automatically destroyed, everything was gone even the bodies all that was left was a young boy in pain screaming in anger.

Gokhan then gave them a proper grave as he walked back to his home but again fate decided to take away his happiness as he found his home destroyed

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Gokhan then gave them a proper grave as he walked back to his home but again fate decided to take away his happiness as he found his home destroyed. He ran towards the home trying to find his family as he just felt one body through the rubble. It was the boss, the one who he thought as a father.

Boss - and please.....find a home where you can be happy with the people you can trust.......Goodbye son.

He died in his arms as Gokhan again couldn't stop his tears and his anger from overflowing as his eyes turned green and his aura had a golden glow. However it went away as quick as it came.

(Gokhan POV)

That incident happened 20 years ago and I couldn't do what my father asked. I was alone.

But I kept training, so that no one else has to go through what I did. Constantly training and getting stronger but what comes next changes everything.

Jigan Palace.

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