The Email Story: 3

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Maybe Lorenzo finally guessed he was to be the next victim of my evil plans. Whatever the reason, he didn't bother me for a whole day. Was I shocked? No, not really. Soon he'd be begging for mercy! I waited outside the library, tapping my foot and thinking that I might add a cage-fight to his list of punishments if he didn't hurry up and get his butt over here. It was cold!

"Evening," he greeted, handing me a box of chocolates as he rounded the corner.

"I'm sorry, what?" I stared at the box. "Are they poisoned?"

"Yes, I poisoned them just for you," he quoted me. "They're a present. Just enjoy them."

"Lorenzo," I frowned. "Is this bribery?"

"No," he hesitated. "It's more of an apology. I didn't think you were putting any work into the project, but now you are so..."

"Really?" I questioned, smirking slightly.

"Look," Lorenzo dropped the act. "You've already got enough trouble with Danny, not that you can't handle him yourself, but I just figured you didn't need me bothering you as well. I only meant it to be in fun, but it's not fun if you're upset."


I what? I stood there with my mouth open, staring at the person who claimed to be Lorenzo. Well, this was bad timing...

"Hey guys, I've got the camera!" Carl greeted, winking at me in recognition of our evil plan.



"Okay, Carl... we'll come down to your studio to do this, okay? I have to change after all, and everything."

"Eh, there's a problem with that."

"A problem?"

"Yes, a problem. My neighbours knocked a whole in the studio wall. Can't use it." 

My face fell. "Oh... well... um, we can't do it at my place, Danny would shoot a rocket off the wall."

"We can go to my house."

We both stared at Lorenzo. "Eh, you what mate?"

"My house. I've got a pretty big back garden. It's just practice right now, right?"

"You want me to walk into the enemy's lair?" I asked.

"Well, uh, yeah."

I thought about it for a moment. "Well, okay then. But I want a coke into the deal."



He rolled his eyes. "Just come on, tiny Vladi, it's not far."

I sighed, and followed him down the street. "I'm not that small," I muttered under my breath.

SNAZZY! Lorenzo had been holding out on us. His house was a freakin' palace! Well, maybe not, but to a girl coming from a small terraced house in an ugly neighbourhood a two storey detached 'nearly-mansion' seemed pretty upper class.

"Well, guess who's a snob," I shrugged. "This explains so much."

"I heard that," Lorenzo accused.

"Congratulations," I retorted. "You have ears."

He rolled his eyes, but the corners of his mouth twitched. The poor guy wouldn't be laughing for long. Wait a second, poor guy? When did I start sympathising? This was pathetic! One box of chocolates and I was questioning my own evil plan! Chocolate would be the death of me yet. It was clear bribery. Never fall for his lies! I wouldn't be persuaded that easily.

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