C h a p t e r T h i r t y

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Keefe's POV.

This was it. It was really happening. A peace treaty was being signed, right here right now.

Keefe looked up toward the stage, illuminated by ascending fluorescent lamps that were strategically placing to the light the platform, and saw a wrinkled old man—who he had reason to believe was Errol Forkle—was addressing the crowd.

The gathered clan members seemed relieved to be finally getting on with the treaty—and Keefe couldn't blame them. He was just as antsy to get the whole thing over with as they were.

Keefe turned to Sophie at his side, also looking up at Mr. Forkle with a look of anticipation and nerves.

"You should get back to your family," he whispered to her, and Sophie turned to him, slowly nodding.
"You are the First Lady, after all," he winked.

At that, Sophie smiled and kissed his cheek before promising to find him once the treaty was signed, and disappearing into the crowd.

Keefe turned back to Mr. Forkle just as he had continued speaking.
"Please welcome Lord Grady and Lady Edaline Ruewen of the Blackswan, and Lord Cassius and Lady Gisela of the Neverseen." Forkle boomed, and the crowd gave a warm round of applause as the clan leaders stepped out from espousing sides of the stage.

Mr. Forkle stepped back as the leaders faced the crowd with eyes promising a new beginning.

"It is an honor to be with you all tonight for the starting of a new era," It was Grady Ruewen who first greeted the clan members gathered below him, and then proceeded to jump into a speech about coming together at one clan, peace, and the need for change.

Keefe tried to pay attention to what he was saying—this was Sophie's father after all—but despite his efforts, his mind zoned out with in minutes.

He wondered what Marella was doing at the moment. Was she there, at Eternalia? She must've been, surly, she was second highest ranked coheir to the Neverseen, next only to himself.

What did Marella think of the peace treaty, of combining the clans into one?

Eventually Keefe came to the conclusion that he'd find Marella and get her opinion. It wasn't like he has anything better to do and he was itching to talk to his best friend.

With a new excitement, Keefe reunited with Leroy and his family before explaining to them where he was going.

"Do you think we'll see you after all this is over?" Leroy asked, absently ruffling Zadie's hair.

Keefe grinned. "'Course," he went on his haunches to look Zadie in the eyes. "Look after your brother, alright?"

Zadie giggled and nodded, looking pleased.

After thanking Leroy's aunt and uncle one last time, Keefe took off toward the stage, hoping to go unnoticed as he clambered from the back curtain to see the group of both Neverseen and Blackswan council members.

He spotted Marella only a few feat away, in conversation with Kimia and tall girl with straight black hair tipped silver.

"Psst!" Keefe said in a loud whisper. "Ella!"

Marella's jerked up at the sound of his voice, her expression a little irritated at the nickname.

Her blue eyes sought out Keefe at the back of the stage, they widened in a mixture of shock and quiet glee.

She quickly muttered something to her friends, and then rushed over to Keefe, crushing him in a hug.

Now, Marella wasn't exactly a touchy-feely kind of person, so Keefe felt rather honored that she'd be willing to risk her reputation for him.

"Good to see you too," Keefe laughed at his friend's grip finally loosened.

Marella looked him up and down, her expression quickly turning furious.

"Where have you been?! How long have you been here?! Keefe Sencen, you better have a damn good explanation for leaving me to play hostess for a bunch of swans! There are like, three dissent people of that clan and to hell if I have to suffer through one more of that Vacker girl's rants about obnoxious balls!"

Marella's rant took Keefe by surprise, but had he expected? "I'm sorry, it's a really long story, I got to you as soon as a could."

Having blown off her steam, Marella just playfully punched his shoulder with a smirk, though her eyes were still fierce. "Whatever, Sencen. But seriously, you were right about how boring war meetings are."

Keefe smiled. "I told you!" He paused. "So who are these three descent people of the Blackswan?" He asked, mentally hoping one of them was Sophie.

Marella gestured to Tam and Linh Song, and Dex Dizznee. "Everyone else seems so entitled." She wrinkled her nose. "Like their better then every other person in the room."

"And your thoughts on Sophie?" Keefe couldn't help but ask, severely wanting his friend to like her.

"Your Princess Swan?" Marella said, raising her eyes brows. "She seems fine, keeps to herself mostly but apparently can throw a hell of a punch with words when she wants to."

Keefe smiled to himself. That sounded like Foster.

Before he could reply, Linh Song walked over to them, tapping Marella's shoulder.

"Lady Sencen has the treaty and is about to sign for the Neverseen," Linh said—giving Keefe a curios look.

Marella's small face was set. She bumped Keefe shoulder with hers. "Looks like Mommy Dearest is finally stepping up to the plate."

And indeed, as the trio made their way closer to front of the stage, they saw Lady Gisela gripping a feathered quill.

Her face a grim line—as if fighting urge to go back—as she pressed the tip of the quill to the parchment.


I am absolutely disguised with myself. I don't update for like two months, and when I finally do—it's this piece of crap trying to pass as a chapter. But at least we got the KeefeXMarella reunion?????
(Also, what was that end???????)
Ugh, enjoy ig.
*scroll down*

(Ok wow that was pretty negative, I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night and are staying safe during these times. Crossing my fingers that this chapter exceeds some of your expectations. Also sorry for any spelling errors bc I'm not going back to edit this)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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