The Uchiha's New Life

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Y/n Pov

After I done patching myself Alfred happily show my a room where I could stay. I thank him and take my brother's eye out of my pocket.

I was glad Alfred didn't question about the first aid kit, then I asks him. I walk to a mirror and slowly transport my brother's eye into my right one. Groaning in pain as the process will take long.

Soon I was done, I patch it with a bandage around it a person appear.
"Your brother's?" I hear a voice behind me, but already knew it's Batman.

"Was, before he sacrifice himself for the corrupt Village." I says with vemon in my tone.

"I'm sorry, but I need you meet some people I know." He disappeared again. Can he use Body Flicker I thought, but as I understand he is just really good to disappear.

Just forget he was just here I summon my own hawk. "Shi!" I'm surprise to see him as I don't know if it could work.

"Shi could you please fly around the city there and tell me about it later?"

He make a hawk cry, before he flies off to the city Gotham. I smile thinking my life is probably better than before except I don't have my brother here too.

I sigh tried of all of today. Slowly taking my clothes off, but soon as I take my shirt off someone is knocking my door.

"Sorry, but..." I completely lost words as I see Cassandra in front of me, giving me a concern expression.

"No, I'm sorry." She says in a sad tone. Like it feels like my heart is ripped off my chest.

"No, need to apologize Cassandra."

"But your eyes and I saw you in pain using them." She take my hands together holding them.

I didn't know what to do as I see Cassandra is concerned for me, it's probably because I save her from Ra's.

"I fine, see." I gesture to my left eye as my right is covered by the bandage, maybe it's not the best example.

"I see." And she left without saying a word leaving my dumbfounded at the door. "You lucky you know." Red Hood comes over to me.

"Hello you're? and what did you mean by that?"

"Name is Jason Todd and I meant you lucky that she fell over you. Cassandra is the silent and cold person you know." Jason explained.

"She is probably just concerned for me, because I saved her." I reply not believing in him.

"You will see." And he left now again leaving alone.

Next day

[Justice League meeting room]

"So League of Shadow attack your Manor last night?" The Superman asks the Batman.

"Yes, because this man." Batman shows through the monitor a picture of Y/n fighting the league members.

"And who is he?" The Speedster asks curiously

"Name is Y/n Uchiha." I appear behind  the red spandex suit man. The Justice League Batman called them jump off the their seats pointing with their lasso, trident or a ring?

"Speak!" Wonder Woman throw her lasso around me.

"Sorry, but this feel kinda kinky." I reply and could feel the lasso tighter around my arms. I groan in pain as she hold tighter and tighter each seconds.

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