The Pensieve

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Albus, happy birthday to you!"

Albus Potter smiled and blew out his fourteen candles in one shot. Rose and Hugo Weasley smiled, while Victoire and Dominique clapped, along with James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Teddy Lupin, Ron, Hermoine, Molly, Arthur, and the rest of the Weasleys, and Albus' parents.

Ginny kissed Albus' cheek. "Happy fourteenth birthday, Albus."

Albus blushed, but it soon disappeared as they heard the doorbell ring across the room.

"I'll get it!" Harry said before anyone could answer, gripping the door handle and flinging it open. His smile somewhat disappeared as he opened the door.

"Sorry we're late." Draco said, his son Scorpius in front of him.

No one dared to speak except Albus and Harry. Albus rushed forward to meet his best friend.

"Scorpius!" He exclaimed. "I thought you wouldn't be coming!"

"Draco, how pleasant it is to see you again." Harry said. "I wasn't aware that Albus had invited your son, although it was expected. But that's no matter, you can come in!"

"No thank you." Draco said glumly. "I came here to drop Scorpius off. Good day."

He said a quick 'bye' to Scorpius before closing the door behind him. Harry, though confused, let Scorpius in. As soon as he entered and Rose was sure Draco had left, she was glaring at her cousin.

"Albus, why in the world would you bring Scorpius Malfoy here?" She scolded.

"Why not?" Albus retorted angrily. "It doesn't matter if he's a Malfoy or not, he's my best friend!"

"I agree with Albus." Hermoine said, gaze fixed on her daughter. "Please, welcome Scorpius."

Rose grumbled and shook Scorpius' hand quite resentfully.

"I'm sorry, Scorpius, but you've just missed the cake cutting." Harry said. "But you're free to stay as long as you please."

Scorpius nodded, and he scrambled towards Albus. Around him were his siblings, and Rose.

"Hey, I want to show you guys something." Albus whispered excitedly. "Just... come here, I want you guys to see."

Albus ran up the stairs and to the bookshelf. He smirked and took a book out. It started to spin around, much tk their shock, and when it stopped they were in an entirely different room.

"Woah!" James said, awe-stricken. "Just think of how many things I can think of up here, in secret!"

"Well you won't be pranking me, James." Albus rolled his eyes. "Because now we all know."

James didn't care.

"Anyways, I just wanted to show you this."

There was a large, bronze bowl in front of them, filled with a silvery liquid. Beside it was a large collection of vials filled with a black one. Rose gasped while everyone else looked confused.

"You guys don't know what this is?" Rose asked, surprised. Everyone shook their heads.

"What is it?" Lily asked.

Rose kept staring at the bowl in front of her. "It's a Pensieve!"

- - - - - - -

If you're wondering where Hugo, Teddy, Dominique and Victoire are, Albus just wanted to show his friends and cousin, and I guess Hugo was too small or something.

And the rest are just the more mature people in this situation.

Sorry for the short chapter, the next ones will definitely be longer. The next chapter will be a bit of Harry's first year.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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