First Year

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Lily and James gasped, while Albus and Scorpius still looked confused.

"A what?" Scorpius asked.

"Don't you ever pay attention in school? It's a Pensieve! It's where people can store their memories!" Rose explained.

"And I think I know whose it is..." Lily trailed off.

"No. There is no way we're looking into Dad's memories." Albus declared. "I mean, that would be so much more than just invading his privacy."

"Oh, come on, Albus." James whined. "If he kept the Pensieve here, maybe knowing that one day we'd find it, what if he wanted us to?"

Scorpius raised an eyebrow. "I thought your dad would've at least told you some parts of his life."

James shook his head. "He never tells us anything. It's not like we're too young, I mean I'm fifteen. So, are we doing this or not?"

Lily bit her lip. "I don't think we sho—"

"Just one?"

Albus rolled his eyes, defeated. "Okay. But just one."

James nodded, and took a vial, labeled 'First Year'. He smirked and dumped into the Pensieve without a second thought. We all put our faces to it. Albus had expected it to be somewhat wet, but to his great surprise his eyes were able to open. The black liquid inside transformed into a dark room, almost like a cupboard. A small boy, about eleven, was inside it. As soon as they saw the ruffled hair, thin body, and bright emerald green eyes, everyone gasped.

"Is that... you?" Scorpius asked, shocked.

Lily stifled a giggle. "Albus, since when did you wear Dad's glasses?"

Her eyes suddenly met the lightning bolt scar on his forehead, and her eyes widened.

"That's not him..." James started. "It's Dad."

Albus' eyes widened as he noticed the clothes hanging off his dad, and his smiling face despite the various bruises on him. He could only watch as his younger dad drew an imaginary cake in the dirt, finished off with the writing 'happy birthday Harry'.

"This was his birthday?" Lily asked, shocked. "That's just horrible."

"Happy birthday Harry." He said, smiling. He blew the drawing of the cake, and it disappeared.

"I remember what happens after this." Albus said. "Hagrid comes into the house, and tells Dad he's a wizard. That's one story he told us plenty of times."

But they never got to see it. The memory turned into black liquid once again, then changed into yet another scene. Albus' dad and Rose's parents were all fighting against what Rose thought was the Devil's Snare.

"You've got to trust me!" Hermoine yelled. "Just relax!"

She did just that, and she started to go under the plant, seemingly sucking her in, and Ron screamed her name.

"I'm okay!" She yelled.

Harry took a deep breath in and let himself sink into the plant. Ron screamed once again, but Harry fell down into another room. Hermoine was right beside him.

After a few minutes, they got Ron to do the same, and soon they were behind a gigantic wizard chess board.

"Dad was always good at chess." Rose said, beaming. "He used to beat Uncle Harry all the time."

They watched as they started to play as chess pieces, and Ron saying he had to sacrifice himself for them to win. They all stared at the scene, wide-eyed, as Ron took the hit, and the queen checkmated the king. Harry and Hermoine rushed to Ron, but they had to leave him behind and into another room, with a purple fire and seven bottles. A paper was laid beside them. Hermoine picked it up, and read it aloud.

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