Second Year

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We dipped our heads in the Pensieve, and we immediately jumped back.

There was a snake in front of us.

James and I didn't detest snakes like the girls did, Scorpius least of all, but the sight was still frightening. It was small, so I knew this wasn't the Basilisk that Dad told me about.

Everyone else, though, had moved away, mumbling to each other as the snake slithered towards a boy.

Dad's eyes were wide, and his eyes locked on the snake. But, when he opened his mouth, a strange hissing noise escaped from it, causing us all to step back.

"I did not know your dad could speak Parseltongue." Scorpius said as the scene changed to Dad, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. We were all shocked, as were Ron and Hermoine's faces.

Dad looked somewhat furious "If I hadn't told it to go away—"

"So that's what you were saying to it!" Ron exclaimed. "It sounded like you were egging it on."

"What?" Harry was confused. "Didn't you understand what I was saying?"

"No, of course not!" Said Ron. "You were speaking Parseltongue!"

The memory dissolved, and was replaced with the hallway of Hogwarts. On the wall written in blood, was:

'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware.'

"Ginny's in there." Ron was panicking. "My sister is in there!"

"Mum!" Lily asked.

The scene disappeared, and then there was Dad in a grimy-looking room, which had to be the Chamber of Secrets. He was lying over Mom's unconscious form. We all gasped.

"Oh, please wake up, please wake up..." Dad was shaking her to no avail.

"She won't wake up."

Dad turned to face a young boy of about sixteen. "What do you mean? Tom, you have to help me!"

"Tom?!" Everyone chorused.

"As in Tom Riddle??" Albus asked. "Voldemort?"

"Uncle Harry must not know yet." Rose stated. "I mean, why else could he be asking for help from him?"

They watched in silent horror as he explained the diary that Ginny wrote in, while James giggled at the part where she was writing about how the 'great Harry Potter would never like her...'

"Ironic." James said.

He explained how she poured her soul into the diary, how Ginny was confused as to what she's doing, as if she was possessed, and then the subject changed to Voldemort, and how his new target was Dad himself, and not the Muggleborns.

"But Voldemort was from after your time." Harry said, bewildered.

Tom laughed sinisterly.

"Voldemort is my past, present, and future."

He raised his wand, and wrote his full name, Tom Marvolo Riddle, in the air. He then jumbled the words around to create the words 'I am Lord Voldemort'.

Harry stepped back, shocked. "No."

Tom smiled, then spoke in Parseltongue. The large basilisk rushed out. We all gasped at how large it was, how slimy it looked, and it's large, poisonous fangs.

It rushed straight at Dad. And he ran.

The basilisk chased him all around the chamber of secrets, Tom commanding it all the way through, until two figures came in the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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