Chapter 1

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Things change and people change. Things, people, even feelings come and go like the wind. But there's one thing that never changes if it's real. True love. But what exactly is it? Some people say it's dangerous to fall in love. Because if you fall in love, that's a part of your heart that you give to someone, even if it's a small piece of your heart. Your heart is the most fragile thing about you and there's a reason heartbreak hurts so bad. I could give you about a million different answers on what love is, depending on who you may ask. If you're lucky enough, you may experience finding true love of your own. And maybe, just maybe, you're lucky enough to have that person love you back.

But this story, in particular, may be different than a usual romance. This story follows the path of Skye Stewart and her journey through high school, college, and early adulthood. Skye thought she knew what it felt like to love someone. That was, until Liam Turner. The boy she never thought she would fall for, especially since she had a crush on his brother, Logan Turner. Logan was everything she wanted in a guy and more. However, spending time with Liam with hopes of getting closer to Logan, Skye finds herself falling for the wrong brother. It's not until after he breaks her heart, that she realizes what love truly is. He was the first guy to make her feel like she was someone worthy, like she was someone special. He taught her to not care what everyone thinks and to live joyfully. He believed in her when no one else did. She didn't know that she was in love at the time, so is it too late to restore true love after years apart?


As I pulled into my narrow driveway, with the weight of the world on my back, I pressed the garage door opener. I safely parked my car into my garage and locked it while walking inside of my house. The key in my hand turned the lock and opened my front door into a room full of clothes and random things on the floor. I looked to my right where the kitchen was and noticed all of the dirty dishes in the sink and on the counters. I knew adulting was hard, but no one told me it would be a nightmare. I hung my coat up on the rack as I let out a huge sigh out of frustration. I should probably clean some of the dishes so I'll have some in time for dinner.

As I was walking into the kitchen, my computer that was sitting on my desk in the living room, notified me of a new email. I quickly put down the bowl I had picked up and headed straight for my computer. I was expecting to hear back from a few publishing companies that I had applied for. I graduated college five years ago and I was still unemployed. I majored in Journalism and had one internship with a small publishing company but nothing serious. My dream was to become an editor for the New York Times.

I excitedly scanned the list of unread junk messages and scrolled up to the newest notification. Of course, another rejection. I've applied for eight different publishing companies and this was the fifth one to reject me. My resume was almost perfect and I graduated with honors. I don't know why nobody will take me. As I was trying to figure out what to do, the doorbell rang. I got up from my chair and walked to my front door to find my mother and two nieces at the door.

"Thanks for watching the girls," my mom said to me while handing over my nieces. "Oh no, was that today?" I asked completely thrown off guard. "Skye, you said you would watch them on Saturdays, remember?" "I know, I just forgot what day it was," I said feeling bad. "But come on in, it just might be a little messy," I added. I hugged both of my nieces and told them I was glad to see them.

"You really need to get a job, Skye, I hate seeing you like this," my mom said as she walked into my house and saw my messy kitchen. "I'm working on it," I told her for the hundredth time. "They've all declined me.  I'm still waiting to hear back from Chicago, San Diego, and Miami though."

"Oh, I didn't know you were looking to leave the state," my mom said with a surprised look on her face.

"I wasn't, but no publishing company in Florida wants me so far," I admitted.

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