Chapter 17

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"Attention, seniors, you will need to go to the student union building immediately following this class period," the intercom said to us while we were in 3rd period.

"I wonder what that's about," I whispered to Luna. She just shrugged her shoulders out of confusion. The teacher taught the rest of the lesson and soon the bell rang. Hundreds of seniors filled the student union building, waiting for the big announcement.

"You're probably all wondering why I have called you here," our guidance counselor announced as if we were being shipped off to war. Liam was sitting to my right while Luna was on my left. "It is time to start deciding on college! I have tables set out for you for the country's top notch schools. I hope you find your information and find some confirmation on where you might want to attend. This event lasts all day so you will be excused from class, " our guidance counselor continued to say. Liam and I looked at each other with a smile. We knew exactly where we were going, the University of Florida. The guidance counselor stepped away from the microphone and began to brighten the lights so we could see the tables set out for us. Little by little, seniors from each corner of the room got up and started roaming around the endless possibilities.

Liam, Luna, and I, got out of seats and headed for the U of F table. Luna wasn't looking to go to college so she was just walking around with us. It's not that she didn't want to go, her mom couldn't afford it on the budget that they lived on. Luna had excellent grades but could never afford college, even with a good scholarship. Liam and I talked with the representative from the University of Florida and I fell in love even more. It had all the classes I wanted to take, it was the right size, and I could even be close to home. This school was perfect.

As we got done talking to Florida's representative, Liam wondered over to the University of Illinois' table. We both had already decided on Florida but Illinois was his dream school so I guess I'll let him have his moment over there.

As he was done talking to the advisor or representative, whatever you call them, he came over to me with a huge smile on his face. "Look what they gave me!" He held up an orange bag with tons of flyers, stickers, and pens. "You look like you just hit the jackpot," I laughed. "I did, but not with this," he said as he pointed to his bag full of stuff. I looked at him with a puzzled face. "I hit the jackpot when I got you," he smiled. I blushed and I gave him a hug.

"Aren't you two just the cutest couple," we heard a voice say from behind us. "Hi, Logan," I said with a smile. Liam rolled his eyes, him and his brother still did not have a good relationship. "What do you want, Logan?" he asked, refusing to look at him. "Oh don't mind me, I'm just admiring you and your girlfriend," he said stepping away from Liam in a dramatic way.

"Well you don't need to be admiring my girlfriend at all," he said pulling me closer. I felt the room get tense. "Oh, please, it's not like I want your girlfriend or anything, I could have any girl in this room if I wanted to," he said with his arms spread out. "Then why don't you," I asked him. "Because none of the girls in this room are worthy enough to care about," he answered. "Please know that I'm not meaning you when I say that," he added. I nodded as to say I understood. Liam directed me in the opposite direction and guided us out the door.

"We can't just leave Luna, where did she even go anyway," I said turning my head. As I turned around, I saw her surrounded by a group of guys. They were taunting her and threatening her to the point of shoving. This was way out of line especially coming from guys.

"What are you gonna do? Go home crying to mommy? She can't even feed you with that kind of money," one taunted. "How embarrassing that you and your mom have to work at a cafe," another one joined in. Then, one laid a hand on her and pushed her. Luna was tough but this was way too much. Before I or Liam could get over there, I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I heard as I saw Logan sprint towards the circle surrounding Luna. He grabbed Luna by the arm and took her outside of the circle and away from all the people. He directed her towards us and asked if she was okay. "Yeah, I'm okay, I'm used to it," she answered Logan. "You shouldn't have to be used to that, you shouldn't have to deal with that at all. Those guys are even worse jerks than me, stay away from them." Liam and I looked at each other with a smile as we said goodbye to Luna. Her mom was here to pick her up since the day was coming to an end. Her mom had gotten an old car as a Christmas present so she could have a better piece of transportation for her and her daughters.

"What happened to none of the girls in this room are worthy enough to care for," I said, teasing Logan. "What are you talking about?" Logan said quickly. "Dude, you like her, we can see it all over your face," Liam chimed in. "No, I don't, I've never liked anyone, I don't have time for girl drama," he said, brushing it off. "Ok, whatever," I laughed.

Liam and I were having a grad party after school the next week on Friday. When Friday arrived, school went by quickly, which was a shock. Usually when I'm excited for something it goes by slow. It was now time for the party and people were arriving one by one. Liam and I had two separate tables, each with different pictures and awards we had earned throughout the years. The fact that we were having a grad party together and the fact that we were going to the same college, made me so happy.

The buffet of food was prepared by my mom. She is a great cook and even made unique University of Florida cupcakes and cookies. The walls were decorated with orange and blue, which are U of F's colors.

The party was going great and everyone was having a wonderful time. Logan was standing in the kitchen by all the food of course while Liam and I were each sitting at our decorated tables. Logan had on a leather jacket and looked like he was too cool for school. He cracked me up sometimes. I walked over to him and said, "Go talk to her." "Go talk to who?" "You've been staring at her this whole time, go over there and talk to her," I said as I directed my head in Luna's direction.

"I don't know how to talk to her," he admitted. "I thought you were the ladies' man," I said, wondering why he was having a hard time. "I am," he said, pulling on his jacket to look cool. "But I've never had to talk to a girl that I've actually liked before," he continued. "Oh, so you do like her?" I teased. "Huh? What?" he said as he moved his attention back to me. "Ask her out," I said, feeling bold. "No, I couldn't," he said. "You're Logan Turner," I said to him. He finally gave in and walked over to Luna.

After several minutes, Luna motioned me to the bathroom. "Whats up, Lu," I said as we walked into the bathroom. "He just asked me out, Logan Turner just asked me out," she said in a giddy voice. I celebrated with her and explained how he liked her. I had no idea that Luna liked him in return. I'm glad I was right about that one. They were super cute, too. "Wait, Lu, we could be sister-in-laws!" I exclaimed. "Oh my goodness you're right!" she exclaimed back. We talked about what our lives would be like and fantasized about our weddings, all before going back to the craziness of the world which was my grad party.

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