Chapter 15

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The next Monday at school, our English class had a group project once again. I love English class but I do not like group projects. "Ava you'll be paired with Dmirtri, Sydney with Nathaniel...." the teacher started calling before I zoned out. "And Skye you'll be with Logan," I heard our teacher say in the background. Excuse me? I'm not about to be paired up with the biggest jerk in school. I can't believe I had a crush on him freshman year. He's literally the worst person on earth.

"You've got to be kidding me, " Logan said as he rolled his eyes while slouching in his seat. "I'm not too thrilled either, Romeo," I answered him while rolling my eyes in return. "Oh, please, you've had a thing for me for years, you love this." "You wish," I said in a rude tone.

"What topic would you like, Skye and Logan?" our English teacher asked. "How about the effects of different types of music and their correlation with people's moods?" I answered. "Why, that's an excellent topic!" our teacher exclaimed. "Um, no, I'm not about to do a whole project and essay on that boring topic, she's probably only into classical," Logan chimed in. "Well, what music would you prefer?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone. "How about rock, heavy metal, maybe some pop." I thought for a moment and agreed to having a compromise on types of music.

We had to work on the project outside of school so he told me to come over to his house. Keep in mind, it was also Liam's house. I agreed to his invitation and told him I would meet him there after school.

After school, I went to his house and walked up to his front door. I rang the door bell twice before anyone answering it. To my surprise, Liam answered the door. "Um, h-hi," I stammered. "Logan's upstairs," he said without acknowledging me. But I followed his directions and slowly walked up his stairs in their entry way. I took a right and headed down the hall to Logan's room. I quietly knocked on the door even thought it was slightly open.

"Come in," I heard a voice call from inside the room. I pushed open the door to allow myself into the room and saw Logan laying on his bed while looking at his phone.

"Can we just do this project and get it over with?" I said, rolling my eyes. "If you insist," he said with a sarcastic smirk. Logan set his laptop on his desk and searched for music stations. For the first part of the project, we had to test our heart rate with the different types of music playing.

"You can choose the first song if you'd like," Logan said to me. Wow, that's surprising. I searched up a certain song and pressed play.

"You like American State of Mind?" he asked surprised. "Of course, who doesn't? It's my favorite band, " I answered him. "That's my favorite band, too!" he exclaimed. "That's so cool, a lot of my friends actually don't even know who they are," he added. "What, they're a classic band, how could they not?" I said. "I know, right?" he laughed. That's crazy, he actually laughed at something I said. He smiled and looked at me for longer than anticipated and I felt a weird vibe. "Um, so, should we get started?" I said, breaking the awkward silence. "Uh-yeah, yeah totally," he said in response.

We worked on the project for about two hours before I had to go home. Logan said he would walk me out so he followed me downstairs. "Bye, Liam," I said on our way out. He walked past me without saying anything. As I was walking out the door, I turned around to Logan. "Why is he being like this? What did I even do to him?" "Its just Liam being Liam," Logan assured me, closing the door behind him. "No, that's just the thing, this isn't Liam at all," I said in return. "Why do you even care so much? It's been what, almost a year and a half since you've rejected him? You chose this path, it's your own fault," Logan added to his earlier statement. "Don't you think I know that? All this time I've regretted it every single day but he hasn't even given me the chance to apologize." "Okay, but what's so special about him? Just move on." "I can't! Logan, I'm in love with Liam and I've made many mistakes in my life, but this proves to be the worst of them all. I feel like he's slipping away from me when I'm trying to hold on the tightest. I love him and I don't know what to do about it because he won't give me another chance." Logan looked at me for what seemed like the longest time. I never thought I would be standing here pouring out my heart to my old crush about my feelings for his brother. This whole thing was so confusing.

"I-I didn't know you actually felt that way," he stammered. "What do you mean? I haven't been exactly private about how I feel about him." "No, I mean I thought it was just a game to you," Logan said with a confused look. "A game?" I asked, wondering what he could possibly mean. "I thought you were just using my brother and playing with his feelings. But now I can tell that your feelings are real, too," he continued. "Of course they're real, I would never play with someone's feelings, especially Liam's," I confessed.

"Wait, then that means I've given you hell for no rational reason," Logan said. "What?" I asked. "The stunt I pulled at prom, every jerk move I've pulled at your expense, has been for payback." "Payback? For what?" I said, not believing what he was admitting. "I thought you were just playing games with Liam and I saw how much he loved you so I made sure to do whatever I could to hurt you." "Oh," I started to say. I couldn't find any words to come back to that. "Skye, I'm sorry, I was just trying to protect my brother, now I feel like a monster," he said putting his hand on his head.

"I forgive you, Logan, and that's sweet that you were protecting Liam, but just know that I would never hurt him. Or at least intentionally hurt him. I love him and I always will," I said before saying goodbye and walking away.

"Wait, Skye," Logan said as I was walking away. "Yeah?" "Can we start over?" "I'd like that, but how do I know you're being serious?" "You'll just have to trust me," Logan said before walking back into his house.

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