Chapter 13

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My mom was washing the dishes after we finished up lunch when Amanda offered to help. "I got that," Amanda said, taking a plate from my mom's hand. "No, I've been doing this for twenty years," she said without looking at her. I don't know why my mom didn't like Amanda, she was literally the sweetest person ever. "Well, if you need any help, please let me know," Amanda said to my mom with a smile. My mom gave her a fake smile but continued to ignore her while washing the dishes. Thunder struck outside of the house and the streets were now flooding. Spencer turned on the news station and we were all surprised by the headline.


"Oh great, so we're stuck here!" Liam shouted. "You don't have to be so loud, man," Logan said to him. "Oh, you think this is loud?" Liam shouted again. "You guys, stop, don't fight," Spencer chimed in while they were still arguing. "Guys let's all please be nice to each other, it's Christmas," Shane said. "You weren't even invited here by me!" my mom shouted at Amanda while everyone else in the room was trying to talk over each other. Soon, the entire living room flooded with voices arguing and shouting at each other. It was becoming chaotic.

"Guys, stop!" I shouted louder than all of them. "We can't argue with each other, we have to make the best of the situation," I said after getting their attention. "Well, I really don't want to be here," Liam said. "Well, that's too bad," I said back to him.

It was getting dark outside and the storm was worsening. The power went out so it was hard to see. Because of this, the arguing started again and soon we were all yelling at each other. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and a spoon and clanked them into each other to create a noise that would get their attention again. This was hopeless.

"Let's get some flashlights and NOT yell at each other, can we agree on that?" I said. Everyone agreed and gathered all of the flashlights we could find.

It was quiet for about an hour, except for the rain outside. It was now 7:00pm and everyone was spread out in different rooms. My mom, Amanda, and Shane, in the kitchen. Me, Luna, Logan, and Liam, in the living room, and my dad and Spencer in the media room.

"I can't believe I'm stuck here, this is a nightmare, and officially the worst Christmas ever," Liam said as we were all sitting on the couch staring into the dark living room. "You're too kind," I replied. "I'm bored," Logan said. "Tell me about it, there's nothing to do and it's Christmas Day," Luna responded to Logan. "Well, then, let's make it fun and memorable," I said. "How do you expect us to do that, Einstein?" Liam said sarcastically. "Stop being rude," Luna chimed in. "I'm not, she's just too sensitive," he said. "How about we have a nerf gun fight?" I said, getting an idea. "I guess that beats sitting here and doing nothing," Logan replied.

We all agreed that a nerf gun fight would be fun so Luna and I went to grab the nerf guns from upstairs. When we got downstairs, Logan and Liam were gone. We shined our flashlight throughout the living room but they weren't anywhere to be found. Just then, Luna and I both got hit in the back with a nerf bullet.

We turned around and saw Logan and Liam each holding a nerf gun. "Where did you find those?" I said. "We have our sources," Logan smirked. Logan had shot Luna while Liam shot me.

"Oh, it's on," Luna said while loading her gun and firing back. Both Logan and Liam ducked behind the couch to avoid getting hit. We had a nerf war for about an hour and we were having so much fun that we hadn't realized that the rain stopped a long time ago.

While the nerf war was going on, my brother, Amanda, and my mom were in the kitchen. I guess they got things worked out because my mom and Amanda actually became friends. How? I have no idea, my mom really didn't like her. But I'm glad they put aside their differences and are okay with each other now especially since Shane would be proposing to her soon. However, I don't know how or when since the power is out and everything.

After the flooding had gone down and the streets were able to drive on, we said goodbye to Logan and Liam and wished them a merry Christmas. It was midnight by now, but that was probably one of the best Christmases. I mean, I basically spent the whole day with Liam even if he made me mad. Maybe today has made him change and he realizes we're still friends.

Shane ended up proposing to his girlfriend the next morning so now my brother is officially getting married. That's crazy to think about. I'm really happy for him and Amanda.

The rest of the Christmas holiday was slow but sweet to spend time with family and new family like Amanda.

When school started back up in January, I was excited that Liam and I could be returning to normal. I walked into seventh period, the only class we had together, and started talking to him like before. He didn't respond to me. I said hey once more but he said, "Why are you talking to me?" "Dude, we were just fine two weeks ago, what's the matter?" I said. "What made you think that?" he asked. "I mean didn't you have fun at my house?" "It was alright but not ideal," he responded. "Okay, but I just thought that, you know, we were back to normal now," I continued. "What normal?" he asked, looking for confused. "You know what I'm talking about Liam, don't make this into an argument again," I said, raising my voice. "An argument? Again? When have I ever argued with you?" he asked in monotone. "What normal are you talking about?" he added. "The Skye and Liam that we used to be! The way that we used to—" "Used to what? I have no idea what you're talking about, sorry," he finished saying as the bell rang. The class was over quickly thankfully and he immediately left the class. What was going on with this guy?

"Mr. Carter, do you have a moment?" I asked our teacher after the class had left the room. "Sure, I have a few minutes before getting to practice," he responded. He was our school's soccer coach, as well. "What do you need?" he added. "It's about Liam," I slowly admitted. "I'm here to teach, Skye, not give love advice," he said while getting up from his desk, ushering me to leave.

"Wait, but you have to help me. You know him best," I said as I stopped him. "You're my last hope that I have because everyone has been telling me to give up but I'm in love with him." Mr. Carter turned around and sighed. "I guess I could try to help you the best I can." My eyes lit up. "Thank you so much!" I exclaimed. "So what seems to be the problem between you two?" he asked, starting up the conversation. "I honestly don't even know, you remember how we used to be, right?" I asked him. "Yes, I think so," he responded. "Well, now he acts as if he doesn't know me." "Hm, that's odd, because I haven't noticed anything different with him," he said trying to remember anything unusual.

"And I don't know if it was something I did or said, but I wish I could just turn back time and go back to when he told me how he felt about me. I would tell him how I felt right then and there if I could just go back." "I could try talking to him to see where his head is at," Mr. Carter told me. "I would really appreciate that," I said back to him.

Over the next couple of days, things were not getting better between me and Liam. I was beginning to become hopeless. However, something interesting happened at school today. I was walking through the hallway of my school when I heard two voices in the library. I heard my name being mentioned so my ears perked up. I hid behind the wall, while the door was open, listening to every word they said. After a few times of them talking, I could tell it was Liam and Asher. "What is wrong with you, Liam? Skye adores you and you're so rude to her!" "So? Like that's my problem?" Liam said back to him. "Yes, it is your problem! You're the only problem here, Liam. Get over yourself, stop being a coward, and grow up. At least treat her like a normal human being," Asher yelled at him. I couldn't believe how Asher was taking up for me. Soon, Liam stormed out of the library while Asher followed behind him, both going separate ways. Thankfully, neither of them saw me.

The next day, I told Mr. Carter about what I overheard in the hallway. He thought to himself for a moment and then perked up. "Okay, I have an approach, talk to him like you two used to talk. Don't act weird or anything, act like he's your best friend. Compliment him or ask him about himself, guys like that," Mr. Carter said. "I've tried that many times, though, nothing works," I responded. "Think about how you guys even started. What drew him to you? And when you know what that is, use it," he continued. I thought for a moment and decided that it could be a possibility. "How do you know that will work?" I asked him.

"Because between Skye and Liam, even the smallest spark can ignite an entire flame," he said.

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