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Once I arrived home from school, I scrolled through my phone for a while until I got a call from my best friend, Holly,
"Hey Holly, how are you?"
"Nova guess what?"
"Um, what?"
"Well you know the Dolan twins competition"
"Yes, yes I do"
"They tweeted and said the have a winner for the competition!"
"Oh my goodness, yay!"
"They are revealing the winner on a YouTube video tomorrow"
"Wow, but I'm positive I'm not going to win, I'm sure they had thousands of entries"
"Yes, but you still have a chance"
"A very small one"
"Ugh loosen up Nova, it will be fine!"
"I know but when someone else wins, I'll be a bit sad"
"Hmm, I have a funny feeling about this, Nova"
"Yep sure, well I'm going to go now, goodbye"
I'm slightly concerned because within all the 10 years I've known Holly, when she has a funny feeling it's always either amazingly good or terribly bad, fingers crossed I guess.
Next Morning
Today was the day...I would see if I won the chance of a lifetime or if I just should stop daydreaming.
I once again hopped into my car and on the drive I thought about things, what if I did actually win?
What would I do? My parents know about my obsession with the twins and think they are pretty good role models and I may have hinted about going to America not to visit the twins but just for a holiday, I'm almost an adult anyway and I can make my own life choices but I'd like to think my parents would be happy for me.
I escaped my thoughts because I had arrived at school I parked my car next to Holly's car and tried to avoid running her over as she took some bags out of her car.
"Nova today's the day!"
"Yeah I heard that the video comes up at lunchtime today so we will have some time to watch it"
"I'm so excited for you!"
"Thanks Holly, I appreciate it"
"The feeling has been getting bigger and bigger"
"Are you sure you don't just have to burp?"
"Ugh, I'll burp on you in a minute"
" let's make a bet, if I don't win the competition, you owe me £5"
"And if you do?"
"If I do win I owe you £5"
After we shook each other's hands we walked into school and went to our classes.
A/N Heyy again how are y'all. I once again hope you enjoyed reading and are doing great 😘

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