"Nova, dont forget about us"

4 0 0

"Nova look at your phone"
I looked over to my phone and that's when I saw it:
Grayson Dolan started following you
Ethan Dolan started following you

I screamed in my classroom as everyone circuled round me wondering what the commotion was all about.

"Nova thats it you've obviously won" Holly said

"Wait the livestream starts in ten seconds" Someone in the room shouted.

A/N I think I said it was a video but imma change it to a live stream cos that's easier

We were all ecstatic but as everyone was getting chairs out and starting their videos to see my reaction, because they all thought that I won but I didn't-I could've just been in the top three but the video started.

"Hey guys!" Grayson shouted smiling
"Hey everyone!" Ethan said

Everyone around me was smiling at me and videoing me.

"So I guess you all want to know who is the lucky winner?"
"Yes Grayson they obviously do"
"Well should we say it together?" Grayson said still smiling
"Ok on three"




"WELL DONE TO NOVA LOGAN!" They both shouted In unison.

It seemed as if they said it in slow motion.

But the whole room erupted like a volcano.

Everyone knew how long I had been a loyal fan to them.

And i would soon meet my heroes!

"Nova, nova you did it!"
"Well done nova"
"Yay go nova"

I was speechless to say the least.

"We will send her some information to arrange the flights" Ethan said
"Thank you to everyone who entered and we hope we can do more competitions in the future" Grayson said as they ended the live stream.

I sat there with my mouth open and then it hit me... I burst into tears crying my eyes out due to the overload of happiness.

Everyone around me ran in for a big group hug with
me being squished in the middle.

"Nova how do you feel?" Holly asked, everyone was still filming for their snapchat stories
"I- I WON!" I screeched out.

Everything had worked out all my manifestations to meet my idols worked!

Everyone in the room were shouting things like:
"Nova don't forget about us when you're living your best life in LA"
"Nova remember me"
"Nova, Nova can you get the twins autographs for me?"

Soon the room went quiet and my phone pinged.

It was an instagram DM

Dolan twins
Hey Nova! This is Grayson if you haven't already watched our livestream... You won the competition to stay with us for 3 days! Well done! So can we get your nearest airport to book a flight, and hopefully we can book a flight into Los Angeles airport on March 18th and a flight out on March 21st we can't wait to see you!
-G :)

A/N Heyy well it's been a while sorry but anyways thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment any ideas or questions :) love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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