"You'll have to kill me."

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Kori entered the room and found Rachel and Dick standing next to Peter's bed. She made sanwiches for everyone, even though Rachel said she didn't want Kori made one just in case she manages to make her eat. She would try, but she wasn't very hopeful.

Kori: "I made one for you too." she smiled and placed the plates down.

Rachel: "Im not hungry Kori" she said slightly while looking at Peter's face... in which someone could only see pain. Dick looked at Kori who motioned for him to make some space for her to talk. As Dick moved to the back of the room Kori moved next to Raven.

Kori: "Rachel.... we know that you won't sleep not today, and possible not the next couple of days... eating is the one thing that will make your health stay on a good level. Do it for him..." Kori smiled and looked at Peter and then down to where Rachel was holding his hand.

Rachel: "Always pulling that card... all of you.." she groaned and took the sandwich. She walked over to the window and looked outside. The atmosphere was heavy, suffocating even. She was struggling with her emotions, she felt it was only a matter of time before she lose control and her father breaks out and... she didn't want to think about what he would do to her loved ones and everyone else. "Dick" she almost snapped back to him who was leaning against the wall who replied by looking back at her. "When he breaks out-" he tried to stop her "Dick, its a fact. We know it will happen eventually. We might not talk about it cause he will freak out of his shoes" points at the unconscious Peter "But he will get out. I can feel him getting stronger each day that passes... you saw what he did..." she sunk into her own words as the air in the room seemed to freeze, a few glances between Dick and Kori was the only thing that moved inside the room. There are two types of silence. The good one and the bad one. Under other circumstances it would've been the good type. But now, Peter's heavy breaths weren't a pretty thing to listen to. It just made the whole atmosphere even heavier, if it could be.

Dick: "And what do you advice us to do when that happens..." he asked and took steps forward. Everytime his shoe touched the ground and the space between him and the daughter of the satan closed off he could feel himelf being overwhelmed by the emotions. He shot a quick glare at Peter to see how painful his 'sleep' was, he doesn't admit it but there are many times that he just sits down and wonder, does this kid deserve all of this? Or is he paying the price for their sins...? And that is unfortunately a question that he will never get the answer for.

Rachel: "There is a chance i might be able to feel it before he completely takes control and breaks out. If i do feel it i-... you- you'll have to kill me.." Dick's body twitched as he felt cold sweat falling down his forehead. He tried to speak but his mouth opened and no words came out, nothing. The deadly silence filling up the room. "Please... i'm telling you its the only way... and Peter, i'll explain to him... somehow..." she added and took a bite of the sandwich. "Now it's better for you to leave..." she turned and looked at them, her glare was more than enough to let them know there want any point in arguing over it. Dick was the first to leave and gave just a slight nod to Rachel. 

Kori: "If you need anything you know where to find me little sister..." she looked at Raven, her mouth almost twitching upwards for a slight smile but... nothing. "And Rachel...never forget." she placed a hand on her shoulder and the girl looked up at her "He is very lucky to have you... very lucky." she gave a full hearted smile and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Rachel: "The other way around Kori... the other way around..." she whispered to herself and sat next to the bed of the injured boy. "The other way around..." she added before taking hold of his hand. 

~Titans Tower 3:00 am~ 

Kori walked down to the kitchen to get a glass of water, before making her way back to her room she decided  to take a look on Rachel. As she passed outside of their room she decided to borrow a blanket of theirs just in case... after taking the blanket she walked towards the room the couple was staying this cruel night. She got in and came across Rachel sleeping on Peter's bed, holding his hand. The night had everything and it couldn't be missing the 'cold' atmosphere as much outside and inside the tower. She spread the blanket and pulled it over Rachel. She took a glance and a smile made its way on her face, Rachel's plate was empty... thats some progress... right?


Hey whats up guys. Its me i ain't dead yet. I'm sorry for pulling a Coutinho after he left Liverpool (Hehe Liverpool inside joke...) Last update was early June. And Jeez a lot of things have happened since then... I found a very special girl that i love Shorthairedlass  and yeah... life has been looking up you know. Been doing things i like, catching up with friends... playing football.... playing video games... and i've been having a great time. But there is nothing else i've missed more than writting. But the truth is that i think i got obsessed with it, updating 2 chapters a day? Dont get me wrong i dont regret it, not at all. I just got tired of it... the countless nights i stayed up writting and the countless hours i spent preparing the plot for the stories. Which i say again i don't regret under any circumstances. It just became very graphic after a certain point of time. But i'm slowly starting to get back my hype for writting for y'all beautiful human beings.

It all started with the notorious baby steps we  call them. 5 reads, 10 reads, 50 reads, 100 reads, 200 reads, 1000 reads, 5000 reads, 8000 reads and now.... 10 freaking thousand. 10000. The number is still unbelievable. Unreal. I don't know how to thank you all and i dont think i will ever be able to do that. But i want you to know that im so greatful of what i've 'achieved' on here and the friends i've made. I said it before and i'll say it again, one of the people that helped me get here is Rasaade i wanna thank you dude... seriously i can't thank you enough for the hours you've spent making those covers or just helping me with my plot. But just know that it means the world to me.

The story now... eh the story and the characters is something i've grown attached to the last couple of months... and i really am greatful that i didn't use such beautiful characters in the worst way possible. And before you call me a weirdo for shipping Raven and Spider-Man.. first of all yeah i know i am and seconds... yeah i am a weirdo :p

But seriously thank you all for being here. On this platform... you all make me feel like im doing something decently finally. And i thank you for that. May god bless you all and keep you safe <3


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