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'You know darling, if you keep making that face it will freeze that way?" dainty yet strong hands held his face.

'No...no. I-I-I... NO...Au-audy! You promised!" he yelled with such childish passion it brought a smile on audies face.

-he still cares- 'you know this is one promise I cannot keep and neither can you'

'You and I-I- both broke promises to each other... but still keep this one please, please, please...'

'I'm sorry,... I'll make you a deal though, pinky swear and all" audy said with a faint smile. However, his smile did not return.

'Aww, come on, please? For me?' Audy said quieter now. He knew the invediable was to come. -why... why...why did things have to be this way, but anything for audy-

'Anything for you, audy. I'm listening now' he leaned closer to audy to hear those few precious words left...

'You keep bein' happy and full o' life, ya hear? And... and...' audy became very quiet.


'ya promise, 'right?' Audy muttered with one last sigh.

'I PROMISE, just, Please...'

'Okay, I-'






The door swung open letting two men enter into their friends room.

"AUDY!" America sat straight up in bed covered in a cold sweat. "No, no, no, audy?" He grabbed the person at the side of the bed, " Where's audy! where is my audy! Tell me! Tell me!"

"America, you are unwell, please calm down."

America seemed to calm down a bit at his friends voice. "Pr-pr-ussia?, Russia? What are you doing here?"

Prussia studied america for a moment, then locked eyes with Russia who nodded. "I just heard that mein friend was in trouble, so naturally, I came to see how he was doing."

America was unnaturally quiet.

Russia was worried, one of his few friends was not well. Russia knew this kind of unwell. No one probably knew better than him. He knew the most about his ally now, not Prussia, not Canada, not France, and especially not England, him.

"Da, Prussia is right. You are unwell. It is best to talk these things out, da?" Russia asked, more like comanded.

America huffed for a moment until he began to get out of bed. "I do not need to talk about anything, cause everything is fine. Just as soon as I find audy. Where is audy?"

Alfred was met with silence and pitying stares which only served to fuel his, now, short temper.

Russia stepped up and pushed america back on to the bed. "Comrade, trust us. We know that talk is good, da? We lived this kind of thing before?" Russia said and looked to Prussia to help with a low 'kolkolkol'.

Prussia looking mildly disturbed at Russia but agreed, "j-ja, he ist right america. Let the awesome me,  un-awesome Russia and your bruders help."

Russia glared over americas head at the prussian who pretended Russia didn't exist.

America did not get the memo or point. "There is NOTHING to talk about and they are not my brother-"

'Your family, then?" Prussia interjected. He never understood the "face family".

This sent america over the edge, " NO, they are not my family my family is audy and DC! WHERE is audy?"

"Who is audy?" Prussia asked.

America became more resistant to being stopped by Russia's hand. "Where  is audy? Tell me! Tell me!" 

"We better go Russia. I do not think we are helping." Prussia said to Russia over Americas yelling.

"Nyet, I will help my comrade."

"You cannot help him right now, come on, we will come back tomorrow." Prussia whispered.

Russia could not deny that they had probably done more bad than good for the nation, and since when did Prussia give good advice?
"Fine, but we WILL be back tomorrow, da?"

Prussia sudderd once they were out the door, 'I am too awesome to be stuck with this frozen freak!' Prussia gathered the last of his bravado, "ja, ja, but don't expect me to wait on your unawesome a** to get over a hangover to come here." He added while blowing air and looking around disinterested.

'Today is the day I get rid of Prussia.'....

Prussia had one thought,'Scheisse'.

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