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The next thing Canada can clearly remember is lying on the bed with a terrible head ache. Did he go drinking with his Uncles again? "Uhhggg...ow" was all mattie could manage.

"Its good to see you awake Mr.Jones. You gave Mr.Wiliams quiet the scare." A doctor greeted from the door.

Canada was still not coming up with any clear thoughts. Why was he calling him Mr.Jones? That was his brothers name. Wait a maple-

"Dont move so quickly, you'll break a stitch." Scolded the doctor. However canada did not need the doctor to know that when his head swam.

"Your brother told me to give you this letter, when you came around. I will be back tomorrow. Oh, and you missed two visitors, they gave their condolences. Good day, Mr.Jones." he left the letter on the night stand.

Canada clutched his head and reached for the letter. He opened the sealed envelope to see America's loopy handwriting.

Dear Canada,

Since you like it here so well enjoy my stay, will you, my twin brother.

With hugs, America


"ALFRED, I am astonished by that language young man."

'Oh great, this just gets better and better!" Cue manical laughter.


Alfred smirked as he rode a pretty cheasnut quarter horse fast as he could. Nothing makes a day like escaping a personal asylum by trading places with your twin. He did feel a bit bad for mattie, but come on he was asking for it, and he needed an escape. Who would believe the 'insane' mr.Jones was mr.wiliams. America had to laugh for miles with that one.

That day america rode off into the first sunset of many, with a fake name and a bouquet of flowers.

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