Insanity? Is that you?

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America calmed down a bit after those two left. Why would they not tell him where audy was? He asked everyone, yet they always told him 'calm down' or ' your unwell'. Dang it, he had to find audy himself then. Don't get him wrong he has tried it before yet those pesky guards always got in his way. Audy was not going to be happy with him when he got back. He would just apologize like their was no tomorrow and bring flowers. Yeah, that was a good plan, audy loved flowers.

He looked down from his window to see a whole garden of different flowers, perfect. Mabey on his way out, he would steal a few of those for audy. Nah, he would get yelled at for stealing. Perhaps he could leave something in return for the flowers?

While america was lost in his plans, he neglected to hear a soft knock and the door open.

"Brother, it is good to see you up and well." Canda greeted with a small smile.

However, america froze, "What are you doing here?" He asked, cold enough to freeze the winter nation.

Canada fidgeted a bit before walking closer, "Al-"

"Don't, only audy calls me that."

Canada sighed, ever since he saw his brother after the war, he would ask for an 'audy'. Not much of his twins interactions got by Mathew, so he was certain that this audy was not real.

Alfred still refused to look at Mathew, prefering the flowers and horse stable much more.

"America, this has gone on too long. There is no 'audy'! Snap out of it!"

Canda knew he had made a mistake when america got a calculating glint in his eye. He slowly turned towards Matt, "Did you tell everyone that audy isn't real? Is that why everyone thinks I've gone mad?"

If Canada was uncertain about his brothers health, he certainly knew the answer now. This was enough, he was going to get Alfred back one way or another, "America listen, there is no audy. I, nor anyone else knows an 'audy', so until you are well you will stay here!" he shouted. America went quiet and he felt as if he was getting through.

But Murphy's law, and america were about to prove him wrong. America thought as he eyed the daffodils below.

"Your right big brother, I'm sorry for this 'madness'. Can you forgive me?" America spoke sweetly but stared at the black berry briars.

Canada was shocked,... he did it! He told them he could do it! He couldn't wait to get that telegraph to Europe. "Of course, alfie, I forgive you. I am truly happy you are getting well. I'm sorry but I have to go now, see you soon." He said softly.

America eyed the pitcher and washing bowl near by. "Brother?"

Canada missed all the ques america was giving as he was distracted by being the one to bring back his wayward twin to his father, "yes, alfie?"

America turned to him, "Can I have a hug before you go?" He feigned innocently.

"Of course brother." Canada walked over to America's chair and bent down to give him a hug when...


Down came the beautiful pitcher gifted by England, onto Canada.

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