Part 2

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"I'm sorry, you what?"

"I joined him," Ren repeated. The other man did not look happy at all, but Ren didn't care as long as Doc was happy.

Bdubs stared at him in disbelief. "Why?" he exclaimed, voice filled with confusion. "Why on Earth would you join him? This is the complete opposite of what we agreed on!"

"He was happy with what he was doing," Ren weakly argued. The look on Doc's face as he had agreed to join him was something that he would never forget.

"You're only encouraging him with his craziness!"

"I really don't see how the Goat is making him crazy, my dude," Ren denied. "Pretty sure you're the one doing it."

"ME?!" he stared at him, hand on his chest. "Fine, I'll do it by myself then. You'll see, you'll both see!" And with that, Bdubs left.


Ren debated not telling Doc about what Bdubs and Keralis potentially had planned. But he didn't have to think about it for too long, to know what he was going to do.

"Hey Doc?"

"Yes, Ren?" Doc had been working on some of his redstone up on his castle in the sky when Ren had found him.

"I'm pretty sure Bdubs and Keralis have plans to blow up Goat mountain, I'm not entirely sure though."

Doc looked pissed, stopping what he was doing. "Why? What'd the Goat do to them! It did nothing!" He growled, turning away from his redstone.

Ren stood near him, letting him release some anger out.

"And just when I thought things were calming down between us. When I get my hands on them, I'll-" he gritted his teeth, just looking even angrier than Ren had expected.

Ren places a hand on his left shoulder. "Doc," he says, stopping his rant.

The other glances over, eyebrows raised and mouth gaping slightly. He wasn't expecting that.

"We need to focus on stopping them from blowing up the mountain first before anything else. Besides, it isn't even a guarantee they'll do it," he spoke in a calm manner.

Doc breathes out with a nod, calming down a bit, which was a good sign. "Right, protecting the Goat comes first," he paused. "Then we get our revenge." Or not.

"Uh yeah," Ren says unsurely, drawing the words out. "Goat first, dude, we'll think about that later."


Ren is sat on his bed, body slumped over with his face buried in his hands.

It was hard pretending everything was fine. He was happy to see the hermits awake again, but there were times he'd think he'd just wake up and realize that everything had just been a dream again.

Then when they didn't remember anything? And acted as if he were insane? And no one believed him?

It was hard on him.


"You tattle-tale," Bdubs glares at Ren the next time they meet.

Ren flinches at Bdubs outburst. He catches himself before his face could visibly react. "You were going to blow up the Goat!" Ren argues.

"And Doc killed me and Keralis because of it! That friggin hurt!"

"You shouldn't have been griefing him, then!"

Bdubs gasped. "We weren't griefing," he argued. "We were gonna make Doc grief himself!"

"Pretty sure that's still griefing, dude."

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