It's been a few weeks since Mel left with the Air Force. The team and I write to her all the time. I am currently rushing into the office with her latest letter. "Guys!" I say coming into the bull pin. "What is it kiddo?" Rossi asks. I respond by holding up the letter. "Hey Hotch. Mel's letter is here!" The team comes over and I hand the letter to Derek. We take turns reading her letters. he opens it and begins to read...
"Hey all!
It's been awhile since my last letter and for that I apologize. The mail got delayed for reasons I'm not allowed to say. Any ways, I really miss you guys. Although, I'm not allowed to tell you exactly where I am. I will tell you that the country side is beautiful. Well, the parts not marred by bombs. Oh and Derek there is a pilot on the base that is just like you!! He's tall, well built and very funny. He is also quite the womanizer. But that doesn't away me because there is only one man that holds my heart and he is the one that holds my dog tags at this moment. Love you guys! Write back soon!
Love, Mel :)
P.S. Send pictures!!!
Derek reads the letter and laughs about the part about him. When he reads the part about her dog tags I put my hand in my pocket and hold them. A smile makes its way on to my face. We take a bunch of pictures to have developed later. Derek takes out some paper and begins to write the letter.
Hey Mel,
We really miss you too. Please come home safe to us. Every one is doing really well here and we just can not wait to have you back. You would've loved to be here last week. Little Henry dressed up like Spencer for Halloween. Spencer even let him borrow his badge! Anyways, stay safe our brave soldier!!
Your friends from the BAU
P.S. Hope you like the pictures!! :)
Derek lets us read the letter and I pull out a paper and write.
Hey Melody,
I wanted to let you know I am very proud of you. Your tags are here safe with me... I also can't wait to hold you in my arms. This might be a bad time to say. But I really like you, a lot. Please stay safe and come home soon!!
I fold the letter and we the rest of the team hands theirs to Derek and he puts them in a big envelope along with the pictures and he takes them to the mail room to be sent out.
"Mail!" The Air Force post carrier says. I go to him and he gives me this big envelope. When I open it I see lots of pictures of the team. My favorite is of Dave and Aaron in the Charlie's Angels pose. There are some pics of everyone on the team. Then I see a really good one of Spencer. He's been caught reading. He has the book in his hand and he has a smile on his face. Must be a funny book. I put them back and read the letters. Spencer's makes me tear up. I wipe them and put the envelope in my bag. Except for the one of Spencer. I put that in my pocket. "Guys we have to go now!! The Turks are fixing to bomb!" We jump up and get in the planes. I pull Spencer's picture out and put it on my dash. I then strap myself in, pull the hood down and take off. We fly at a really fast pace until we come up on the enemy. "Hunt there's a Turk at your tail!" John, one of my fellow soldiers shouts through the mic in my helmet. I nose dive and come up behind him. Shooting his plane down. "Thanks Riley." I say into my headphones. I see a Turk sneak up and quickly fly over head and take him out. "Wow thanks Hunt. He could've blown my butt up." He laughs. "No problem Riley." I laugh back.
The Soldier and the Agent
FanfictionDisclaimer!!! This is a Fanfiction based on the hit TV series Criminal minds. I do not own the characters featured in the show or anything to do with it. However, there is a story line and original characters that are products of my own imagination...