34: I'm Fine

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team Levi stood high in the trees talking about everything going on right now, I ignored their conversation though in favor of staring in the direction we had just run from.

they were discussing Levi's trust in them, and the possibility of a spy.

they were right, but I already knew what they were talking about.

a frown tugged at my lips as one of the signs I was waiting for ripped through the forest, putting everyone on edge.

Annie was screaming.

an involuntary snort slipped out as I remembered that Levi was probably stomping on Annie's head right about now before I turned to Eren and the others.

"Be ready," I said in a serious tone, only for the blue withdraw smoke to be shot into the sky.

"that's our queue Ayano, lets saddle up and head home," Gunther said as he rolled his eyes at me.

I grit my teeth, choosing to keep my mouth closed from here on out.

when Annie first appeared beside us I tensed.

will things be different with me and Yu here?

will she go for one of us first instead?

I grit my teeth as Gunther was cut down in her surprise attack.

I listened to their desperate debate silently for a moment before Yu and I was ordered by Eld to deliver Eren to the meetup point.

Eld was next, bitten in half, and spit out as he tried to take Annie out.

that was my queue.

spinning around I shot off towards Petra who was desperately trying to get away from Annie.

with determination, I managed to land heavily on the tree Petra was about to be smashed against and grabbed her hand, ignoring her blades as they sliced my arms unintentionally.

I managed to yank her out of the way, saving all but her foot that was still caught by Annie's giant heel.

Petra screamed out as Olou tried to go in for the killing blow, shattering his blades on Annies crystals.

he was kicked into the trees easily, smashing him to bits against the hardwood.

as Annie spun in the air, her eyes targeted petra and I.

"Shit," I cursed out as I tried in vain to lift petra into my aching and bleeding arms.

but she was too big, too heavy.

Annies' hand lifted before she swung it forward in a backhand motion at us.

my eyes widened at the action, knowing we were about to be flung against the trees and killed and there was nothing I could do about it

only Yu appeared out of thin air it seemed.

with a tight grip and a war cry that reverberated throughout my very being he grabbed my cloak and yanked me back, ripping Petra from my hands with his force.

Annie's hand hit Petra and him, the force so strong the air currents flung me back as well.

my back hit a tree with a solid thud before my head connected as well. 

everything became fuzzy before slowly darkening into nothingness.


calloused warm fingers brushing against my forehead brought me out of the darkness.

slowly, my eyes opened, fluttering at the bright sunlight before I saw two pairs of grey eyes looking down at me.

I blinked in confusion before my mind snapped back into place and I jumped to my feet, ignoring how my body screamed out in pain.

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