Chapter 30: ... I broke Aaron's leg

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The alarm clock sounds and I pick it up before slamming it on the ground. I don't want to go to school. 

"GET UP ASHLEY! GET UP CAMERON!" Mum yells from downstairs. It's. Too. Early. I hear some thumps down stairs. Ohhhhh no. I get out of bed and grab the blow horn before heading downstairs and out of my room. I swing open Ashley's bedroom door and press down on the blow horn, making Ashley and Mum break up. Ashley tumbles to the floor with her blonde hair in her face while she shoots mum and accusing look.

"Give it back to her mum," I sigh.

"But it's-" she starts.

"We have went through this before," I yawn. I'm still half asleep. Aaron comes out of absolutely nowhere, literally, he just appeared.

"What's with the blow horn kitten?" he asks me. I turn around to glare at him. He still looks groggy. Time to wake him up. I lift up the blow horn and press down on the button again. Aaron jumps up about three feet and hits his arm on the wall.

"HOLY SHIT!" he yelled, completely awake now. The thing is, he didn't land on his feet, but on his bum, and his leg was bent at an angle I know it shouldn't be. 

"Fucking hell!" he hisses in pain, looking at his leg. Well then... Looks like I won't be going to school today. It isn't because of Aaron, it's because we are already late, and when we are late, we don't go at all. And we all know Aaron wouldn't bother with school, especially with his presumably broken leg.

"Cameronnnnn, I don't want to drive to the hospital and tell someone's parent's that their child's limb has been broken this early in the morning," mum whines before picking up the home phone and calling Daisy or Rob. After a few minutes of Aaron glowering at me while mum talks to his parents, he finally speaks.

"Are you going to apologize?" he asks me expectantly. I raise an eyebrow and look down at him.

"I'm sorry," I answer, trying to figure out how we're going to get him into the car without putting too much strain on his leg. He rolls his eyes.

"You're my girlfriend, that isn't how we apologize," he says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I internally groan. I haven't brushed my teeth yet, does he actually expect me to kiss him? I crouch down and quickly flich his face. That's what he gets, even though I contributed to breaking his leg, but it's his fault for jumping weirdly. I'm mean in the morning, especially Monday mornings.

"Owww," he hisses, rubbing his nose, where I flicked him.  He scowls at me and Ashley skips out of the room, wearing her pink robe and all. She glances at Aaron before stepping over his legs and into the bathroom. 

"Okay, get him up and head get to the hospital, I have to get to work, have a nice day girls," mum rushes before jumping over Aaron and zipping out of the house.

"Give me your keys," I mumble as I try pulling Aaron up. Since he's trying not to lean on his broken leg, he leans on me. Let's clear something up, Aaron is huge, height wise, and he's fairly muscular. Me? I'm a lot shorter than him and can barely do one push up, so when he does lean on me, I trip over myself and tumble to the ground with Aaron falling right on top of me. It doesn't help that I face planted onto the wooden floor, and my nose still hurts from yesterday.

"Get.... Off..... Of....... Me......" I wheeze, tapping the floor with the hand that isn't being crushed.

"I can't exactly do that with a broken leg," he hisses in pain.

"Woah, I know you two are dating and all, but can we wait for a bit till I have godchildren?" Johnny asks as he comes out from a room.

"Shut up and get this guy off of me," I groan, dropping my head back down onto the floor.

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