Blurb - Fights

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Ashton would rarely pick fights, so when he was angry, he was really angry. He would get extremely protective over you, causing you to feel suffocated. You would not be in constant contact with him for a few days to take a breather from his full-on ways. He would invite you round after a while and you would oblige. He'd act coldly towards you the whole night, until you call him out on it and then all hell would break loose. "Where have you been? Is there another guy?" Accusations would fall from his mouth as hurt protests fell from yours. "Ash, sometimes you're too much. I feel suffocated when you don't even let me talk to the guys alone!" You referred to his bandmates. He would fall silent as you continued, "You don't trust me, Ash. Why don't you trust me?" Tears would glide down his cheeks as his eyes held contact with yours. "I'm not good enough for you, Y/N. I'm terrified you'll leave." You caught his shaking body in a hug, both of you instinctively wrapping around the others' back. "I won't babe. Ash, I won't." You soothe him until tears had stopped falling from your eyes and his.


You would be in a fairly new relationship with Luke, going steady for around a month. An old friend had rung you as Luke was upstairs you began to gossip a bit, unintentionally loudly. You explained that Luke was an amazing boyfriend, but he was too gentle with you, both in and out the bedroom. You didn't mean it in a bad way, just saying he was too good to be true, but an eavesdropping Luke didn't see it that way. After you hung up he called your name from behind you, making you jump and turn to him. "What were you saying about me?" He would inquire, already knowing the answer. "Nothing, Luke-". He would cut you off, "Are you bitching about me to your friends?" His unusually strong words caught you off guard and tears sprung to your eyes. "I wasn't bitching, Luke. You're taking my words the wrong way!" Your voice progressively got louder as Luke's eyes became cloudy at your emotion. "What did you mean, Y/N? Tell me the truth." He would state softly, hanging his head. "I meant," You took a deep breath to calm yourself, "That I can't believe how a 6ft rock god can be so nice for so long. But I guess every good thing comes to an end, doesn't it?" You turned your back away from Luke, wiping your wet cheeks. "Don't!" Luke grabbed your arm and pulled you into his chest, "Don't go." He whispered into your hair. You would begin sobbing as he lulled you softly, telling you he understands and will never make a mistake like this again.


"Have you seen my red flannel anywhere?" Michael called from downstairs as you began to button it up at your chest, calling back down to him, "Yes!". "Well, where is it?" You heard his feet climb up the stairs, and he opened the bedroom door to see you giggling in his top. Instead of laughing along with you, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed angrily. "I was going to wear that today, don't you have your own shirts to wear?" Your face dropped, pulling the flannel over your head and tossing it towards him as you turned towards the cupboard, finding another shirt to wear. "Sorry Michael." You say emotionless, as he harps on at you. You snap at him, pulling on your own top over your head, "Sorry. Michael." "It's fine." He huffs, clearly he's anything but. He leaves the house in a bad mood, and returns a few hours later, after you've had time alone to think about the tiff. "Y/N?" You hear him croak from the front door. You rush to his side, seeing his back hunched over and his eyes all puffy and red. "Mikey? What happened?" "They mentioned you at the interview. I- I started crying and the guys sent me home after I explained. I feel like shit, I'm so sorry." "Babe," You soothe him, letting his heavy head rest on your shoulder as your hand rubs his back. "I love you so damn much, don't ever let me forget that." He states, kissing your mouth gently, then your nose, then your forehead. "I won't, I love you too Mikey."


You were undressing in your shared bedroom with Calum, the last of his friends had left a few minutes ago, and Cal hadn't come up to bed yet. You had just changed into your pajamas as he walked in. "You ignored me the whole night." You say softly, letting him know you're hurt. "No I didn't.". "Yes you did Calum.". He exhales loudly. "I got back from tour a day ago, what do you expect?" He protests. "I expect you to know that the time we have together is precious, why are you throwing huge parties when we could be alone together. For the first time in 3 months, may I remind you?". His face contorts angrily, "Sorry, god! You're so controlling." He mutters the last sentence under his breath. You gasp but say nothing, and get under your duvet, turning your back to him. "Shit, Y/N, sorry." He curses, and discards his clothing as he presses his chest to your back, holding you close. "No, Cal." You attempt to shrug him off, but begin sobbing as you have missed having him next to you every night, the alien feeling becoming familiar again. "Babe, shush, I'm sorry I acted like a jerk, I just needed to blow off steam, management has been grilling me for a story about you but I want to keep us private, just us. I stayed away from you tonight, as much as I hated it, because I didn't want any pap photos leaking. I'm sorry." He mumbled his explanation against your shoulder, his lips occasionally brushing your skin. "It's okay Cal." You twist to face him, and immediately see his face lighten. "Really?" He kisses you lips. "Really. Now snuggle me I missed you." He giggled at your request and happily obliged.

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