Blurb - The Boys Find Your Sex Toys

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so you and luke would have like a secret stash and it would be hidden somewhere in your room ((assuming you guys live together)) and you'd try to hide it really well bc everybody thinks luke is so vanilla so one day the other three boys would come over and (lets say they have a key to your apartment/house/castle/palace/wherever you live) they'd open the door and let themselves in and usually you and luke sleep late so they'd go to your room and want to wake you up but when they go to your room nobody would be there so instead of leaving mikey suggests to snoop and calum would go in your draws and find your underwear draw and he'd play with your thongs and stuff bc hes an idiot and then when he has gone through all your underwear and shit and theyre all on the floor he'd find a box and hes be like "guys wtf theres a box" and boys being boys would be curious and open it and mikey would pretend to throw up and calum would be so interested and he'd move things around and then once ashton sees calum touch something he'd scream and be like caLUM THAT GOES and tell him where that specific toy goes in your body and calum would like throw up for real or something and then when you and luke get home from wherever you two were and go into your room you'd see the boys in your room and it'd be trashed and your sex toys would be on the floor and calum would just kind of look at you two and wink and luke would turn all red and your jaw would drop bc why the fuck are all your panties on the goddamn floor

i got a bit carried away with luke's oops but michael would be proud when the boys find the sex toys and the boys would be interested in what each toy gets used for and mikey would feel like a bad ass telling them and teaching them

and then there would be ashton i feel like ashton would be so respectful to you and when they boys find your sex toys they'd ask about ashton's sex life and he wouldn't say anything bc he doesn't want you to get mad at him but then after a while of the boys bugging him he doesnt say much about your sex life but he tells them what the toys are used for and he drops slight hints that he has used them all

and then theres calum hmmmm calum would have a smirk on his face when they boys tell him that they found his sex toys and they'd all be like you're fucking gross but calum would be like you're all just jealous bc you're not getting laid

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