Chapter 18

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(Y/n pov

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(Y/n pov.)

?-Y/N WAKE-UP!!!!!

(I just suddenly heard someone screaming my name and tapping me so I woke up, my body feels pain because of wounds but I just sit up on the bed and rub my eyes and slowly looked up at the person who is screaming at me, She was a middle-aged lady like 45.)

?-You woke up hmm good now get back to work.

Y/n-First of all tell me who you were?

?-I am the head Maid of this house.

Y/n-It means the Main maid.

Main maid-Now stop talking come with me now, urggg you lazy ass.

Y/n-(Frowns towards the main maid.)ok I woke up you can go now.

(With that she left.)
Y/n-She is annoying.

(Y/n pov end.)

(After Y/n change her clothes she went downstairs.)

Y/n-What can I do now mmm let's ask Lisa.

(Someone taps Y/n shoulder.)

Y/n-(Y/n turn around and saw Lisa.) Hey Lisa.

Lisa-Hehehehe by the way what happened tomorrow? you did not come downstairs to work after you went toilet upstairs?

Y/n-It was a long story. By the way why these people were a little bit rushed.

Lisa-Today V sir's future wife is coming.


Lisa-By the way Y/n let's get to work.


(At 11:30 am.)

Rm-V you have to get ready.Because I think your mom and your future wife are coming.

V-Hyung she is not my future wife, I will definitely ruin this wedding.

Rm-Come on man.

V-(V rolled his eyes.)

(Suga pov.)

(When I was walking around the house while looking at the phone at that time I bumped into someone and I fell down.)

Y/n-OUCH !!!


(I stand up and that person looked up at my face and I recognized it was Y/n.)

Y/n-I am sorry. (She Try to stand up but falls down.)

Suga-Pff you don't have any energy.

Y/n-Please help me I can't stand up properly because I have a wound in my legs.

Suga-(I felt bad for her, so I gave my hand to her and I lift her up but our eyes met each other and we looked at each other, she has beautiful shine black orbits I stare at it and I feel something bizarre I just close my face to Y/n face even our noses were touching....)

(Suga pov end.)

(Y/n pov.)

(OMGGGGGGG What is happening I feel butterflies roaming around my stomach and our noses touch each other I know what was going to happen next so I close my eyes but......)


(We two just pulled back.)

Suga-Ummm, who is that screaming?

Y/n-(I started to blush. )I heard it from downstairs.

(Y/n pov end.)

(V pov.)

V-Mom why are you screaming through the mic.

V's mom-I am so excited omg here's your bride comes.

V- -_-

V's mom- Akithma come dear.

V-( Ohh her name is Akithma poor girl

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V-( Ohh her name is Akithma poor girl .)

V's mom-(She points at Akithma and said-)This is your future wife.


V's mom-Akithma darling wait here okay I have to tell something to V.

Akithma-Ok aunty.

(Akithma's mind-Is he really a Mafia? but he seems to be nice)

(Suddenly my mom came and dragged me away with her.)


V-Okay stops screaming.

V's mom-She is beautiful, isn't she?


V's mom-YES OR NOT!!!


V's mom-Then you like her.

V-Mom girl's beauty is not the only thing for boys or men.

V's mom-Whatever now come let's eat lunch with her.


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