Chapter 26

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(Got 7 pov)

 Bam Bam-Isn't it better if we go and check on them or put some guards in the basement.

JB-Let them die peacefully, they can't escape for sure.

Mark-Yeah they will die in hunger and pain.

Jackson-If we want we can check on them on CCTV but not now because now I am tired.

Bambam-I don't know I feel something weird.

(Y/n pov)

Akithma-What is this Hallway? it  was dark and filled with dust 

Y/n-Yeah, I think others also trapped in here.

Akithma-This hallway is dead silent, I think nobody is here.

Y/n-Yeah, I agree with you. But it's better if we get something like a stick.

Akithma-Yeah for our own safety, I saw an aluminum pole in one a room that we passed.

Y/n-It's better if you go and get it.

Akithma-Sure.(After Akithma went)

Y/n-I hope BTS all members are ok.

(After Akithma came)

Akithma-(Panting)I got it.

Y/n-Hihihi now let's warlk forward 

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Y/n-Hihihi now let's warlk forward 


(After one minute)

Akithma-Y/n do you think BTS members are here?

Y/n- I don't know, But it's better if we check on the whole house.



Akithma-Y/n we passed it.

Y/n-(Stopped walking and stare at Akithma)What?
Akithma-Y/n we passed so many rooms but they all are wide open but I saw a room that shut and locked. Doesn't it make any sense?

Y/n-Yes it makes sense, show me that room quickly(After walking towards that room door)

Y/n-(Trying to open the door)This was locked, and why did they only locked this room.

Akithma-Y/n, I think one member in BTS is trapped in this room.

Y/n-I also thought about it(Snatch pole from Akithma's hand)let's break this door.



Akithma-I am glad that this Abandoned house or basement is made out of wood.


J-hope-Y-Y/n.(Lying on the floor)

Akithma-Omg (Going towards J-hope) are you ok? your body is filled with wounds.

J-hope- (Standing up)I only can remember they hit us and put us into these rooms.

Y/n-J-hope(Touching J-hope body)you can walk with us right to save others.

J-hope-Yeah I can,  I am not that weak after all I have energy so I can come with you two to save others.

Akithma-Y/n don't you think it's better if we two spilt , then it will be easier to find others before that monsters come.

Y/n-We can't let J-hope go alone so you and J-hope go together, I will go alone.

Akithma-No Y/n I can go alone.

Y/n-Are you sure?

Akithma-Yeah sure.

Y/n-Take this pole and go(Handling pole).

Akithma-Then what will you two used to break the doors if I take this?

Y/n-We will try to find something, now it's better if you go and rescue others.

Akithma-Yeah(After Akithma went out)

J-hope-Y/n let's find others(Weakly spoke)

Y/n-Are you sure you can walk with me?

J-hope-Yeah I am a hundred percent sure.

Y/n-Ok then let's go.

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