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(Akithma, V, and V's mother ate lunch together.)

V's mom-So V and Akithma your wedding will be held next week.

V and Akithma-NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!

V-Mom bu-(V's mom cuts V's words.)
V's mom-No buts you have to get ready and Akithma you agree with me for it right.

Akithma-Yes aunt.

V's Mom-Ohh darling call me mom ok.

Akithma-Oh ok Mom.

(Y/n pov.)



Maid-Can you give these juices to Mrs. Kim, V sir, and Miss Akithma.

Y/n-Oh sure give me it.(She handle me 3 fruit juices.)

Maid-Thank you Y/n.

Y/n-Most welcome.

(I walk towards them and I said-)


V's mom-Yes?

Y/n-Here are your drinks. (I kept them on the table and bow and left.)

Y/n-May I go now.

V's mom-S-sure.

(Y/n pov end.)

(V pov.)

V's mom-V, who is that girl?

V-Mom can't you see from her dress? She is a maid.

V's mom-She is young and looks beautiful I can't believe she is a maid.

Akithma-Yeah she is beautiful.

V-(Wait what Akithma said Y/n is beautiful, hmm.)

( I got an idea to make things worse.)

V's mom-By the way V I have to go now this Friday I am coming home with your father to arrange your wedding things.

V-MOM!!!THIS IS NOT MY HOUSE THIS IS MY HYUNGS AND JK HOUSE TOO IT MEANS MAFIA HOUSE, YOU CAN'T DO WEDDINGS THINGS IN HERE THIS IS OUR SECRET BASEMENT!!(I started to scream at her, why can't she understand this place is so private and secret.)

V's mom-Aisk ok. Then come to our house on Friday.

V-Hmm ok.

(Akithma mind- He is scary. 0_0)

V'mom-Aish where are the members?

V-Aish mom, I told you in the lunch, they went on a mission.

V's mom-Ohh ok Akithma let's go.

Akithma-Ok mom.

V's mom-You two can know each other after marriage.

(After the marriage also I don't want to know about her pff.)

(Akithma mind-After the marriage, but I want to know about him before the marriage.)

(After that  Akithma and my mom left.)

V-Hmm now my plan started.

(V pov end.)

(Y/n pov.)

(When I was cleaning the kitchen someone came and tapped my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was and I saw V.)

Y/n-What do you want?

V-First respect.

Y/n-Ok what do you want sir.

V-Come with me.


V-Just come!!!


(I follow Taehyung upstairs and to his room, after I came inside his room he locked the room .)

Y/n-What th-(V cuts Y/n's words)

V-Shh listen, you want to escape from this place right?

Y/n-Not only to escape I want my father back.

V-Ok your wishes will come true If you do something.

Y/n-What is it?

V-You have to be my*Girl friend*.

Y/n-What the heck did you just say!!!

V-Listen I don't want to marry that girl who came today but I don't have a choice rather than marrying her so I am gonna marry her and after that, I am gonna divorce her.

Y/n-Ok so what can I do.

V-After she marries me, she will come to this home as my wife so you have to do is just act like my girlfriend then she will divorce me knowing that I have a girlfriend.

Y/n-But why me?

V-Because that girl seems to be interesting in your attraction and not only that think this as our secret deal, okay after this I will set you free from this hell with your father.

Y/n-Ok deal but I am your fake girlfriend and don't touch me and don't kiss me.

V-Ohh come on why can't I kiss you, even this morning I saw you were trying to kiss Suga Hyung(V started to smirk.)


V-Yes, I saw it by the way don't tell this to anyone.

Y/n-Ohh ok.



V-Ok now gets back to your work.


(Y/n pov end.)

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