Chapter 5: The Man In Desperate Need of Some Chapstick

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Bakugos eyes were red and the skin around his eyes was irritated from him rubbing them so much. He'd been crying and I assumed it was from his conversation with Midoriya. Even though we haven't known each other for long, my heart hurt to see him like that. I could tell that even though he was rough on the outside, he was a big softy on the inside. Maybe that's not true but I'd like to believe it.

Bakugo awkwardly followed after me, only stopping when we got to the train station.

"Where are you taking me?" His voice was smooth, but I could tell he was still upset.

"You're upset," I stated the obvious. "I'm going to cheer you up,"

"Oh," He seemed to let it go, following me through the train station and onto the 6 o'clock train. The train ride was quiet as not many people were there. The after work rush hour had ended a few hours ago and many people were already home.

Soon, we got off the train and after a bit of walking we stopped at a convenient store.

"Pick out some snacks," I told Bakugo, picking up a basket and starting down the first isle. We walked up and down the isles, dropping snacks and a few drinks into the basket. We laughed, occasionally making comments on something the other had dropped into the basket.

After paying for the snacks, we left and I smiled. His mood seemed to brighten a little.

"What are you smiling at, Greenie?" Bakugo nudged my shoulder as we walked down the street.

"Nothing. You just look much cuter when you're in a good mood," I smiled (up/down) at him. A light pink dusted his cheeks and he looked away.

"Whatever. Where are we going?" He asked, putting one of the bags of snacks over his shoulder.

"To my house," I grinned at him as we turned down my street.

"Are you sure Mr. Aizawa would be okay with it?"

"Yeah," I smiled, shifting the bags in my hands. "I was homeschooled before this so I've never really had any friends my age. Dad wants me to make friends,"

"Oh, okay," Bakugo smiled a bit as I gestured up at the house.

"This is us," I started up the sidewalk to the front door. "Come on," We made our way into the house, setting the bags down on the living room coffee table.

"What are we going to do?" Bakugo sat on the couch.

"We could watch a movie?" I plopped onto the couch next to him, a box of pocky in my hand.

"Sounds good,"

We went up to my room and after finding some clothes I thought would fit Bakugou, we both changed. We went back down stairs and started a movie marathon.

Bakugo ended up staying the night in the guest room and borrowing one of my extra uniforms. Dad woke us up for school and after grabbing quick breakfast the three of us were off.

I winced at the loud chattering of the reporters. Dad grabbed my hand and I grabbed Bakugou before I was pulled through the crowd of people.

"Hey, you're the kids from the sludge villain incident," One lady said. "About All Might... Wow, you're scruffy. What's your deal?"

"He's not on duty today. You're disturbing the classes. Please leave," Dad's boring mask was back on. He turned and lazily walked through the gates, Bakugo and I following.The lady tried to pass through the gates, setting off the alarm and closing them.


"Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results." Dad looked at Bakugo. "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a child,"

Naturae (BNHA x Son of Aizawa! Mother Nature! Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now