Chapter 8: Mother Nature

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"(Y/n)." A smooth, strangely familiar voice called to me from the darkness. I groaned softly, shifting and expecting to feel pain. "There is no pain here, (Y/n)."

My eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by the clear blue sky. Slender fingers were run through my hair as I took into account the soft grass below me and turned my eyes to the person my head was laid in the lap of.

"M-mother," My voice was soft. "What are you doing here?"

My mother's long, curly, green hair cascaded down her back and over her shoulders. Her tan skin sparkled like gold in the sunlight and the wooden antlers protruding from her head casted shadows over my face. Her green eyes glinted with love as her lips pulled up into a smile.

"What, I can't visit my child?" She joked lightly. Her smile faded, suddenly taking a very serious look. "You must be more careful."

"I'm sorry mother." I frowned, pulling my eyes away from her and sitting up.

"Now, I didn't bring you here to scold you." She moved to sit across from me. "There are many things you don't know about yourself. And it's about time I told you.

You're more connected to the Earth than you know. Your quirk is called Mother Nature but that's who you are. Because of that you're connected to everything. Life, death, nature, time, the flow of energy and the universe.

You can do so much more and you're here now to learn about it. It will take awhile for you to heal from the beating you took and while you heal your consciousness will be here with me, learning all you can about your powers."

"But mother, what about father?"

"No need to worry. I will visit him too." She smiled sadly and I knew it was because she can't see him very often. She stood, offering her hand to me. I reached out my hand, faltering as a gust of wind ruffled our green hair and memorizing the sight of my mother.

I put my hand in hers and was pulled up.


We sat on a giant mountain, overlooking the abundance of green. My mother held her hands out, closing her eyes. I put my hands in hers, closing my eyes as well.

Information and visions poured into my head. The ground shook and I groaned as my brain started to pound.

The creation of the Earth. The creation of my mother. Animals go from water to land. Development. Dinosaurs. A meteor. Humans. A renaissance. Wars. Quirks. My father. Me. I watched it all from the vision of my mother, the view going directly from her eyes to mine as I was brought to life and she left it.

I gasped and opened my eyes as the visions stopped at the earliest memory I have.

"You..." I started, pausing as my mother's eyes opened and met mine. "You gave up your form to bring me into the world?"

"Yes, my child."

"But...why?" I was so confused.

"The world needed a hero. Not just for the Earth but for the Earth's inhabitants too. While I watched the humans develop and grow into what they are now, it was not my place. When I saw the chance, I took it. I gave up my body to bring you, who could become a hero, into the world."

"What about dad?"

"He is strong. We knew it had to be done and we did it." She paused. "He would have you there for him." She looked down at her lap, her usual soft smile was overtaken with sadness and I tightened my grip on her hands.

"I'll do my best." Our eyes met once again. "For both of you." We stared at each other, taking in the looks on each other's faces. After a second, she grinned, kissing away a tear I hadn't noticed had fallen from my eye.

"Let's get to work then." We stood, starting back down the mountain. "Your horns are quite befitting, by the way."



Here's a little explanation of what's going on since it might be a bit confusing.
After (y/n) is smashed into the ground by Nomu, he falls into a short coma. The coma lasts until a little after the start of the sports festival. I don't really have an explanation for this other than I can't figure out how I'd fit (y/n) into the arc and I needed some time for (Y/n) to interact with his mom and find out more about himself and his quirk.

Naturae (BNHA x Son of Aizawa! Mother Nature! Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now