Chapter 9: Waking Up To One-on-one Fights

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It's been three weeks, but for the (h/c) male it felt like 3 days. Time went slower in his mind. He had spent the time learning, practicing and meditating. He had spent the time learning just how powerful he was, all the things he had access to.

It had been three weeks. The doctors hadn't expected (y/n) to wake up soon, considering the damage done to his body. But they were shocked when the male was almost completely healed before the start of his second week in the coma. They were even more shocked when one morning, the boy suddenly had wooden horns protruding from the corners of his forehead and parting the (dark/light) hair flowing around his head.

A nurse walked down the hall, pushing sleep from her mind as she made her way from room to room, doing her morning rounds. The nurse, hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, checked her chart. She sighed, placing her hand on the door handle in front of her as she scanned her eyes down the paper. She walked into the room, looking up from her chart. Her eyes went wide, she yelped in surprise, dropping her clipboard of papers, and tripped over her own feet falling flat on her butt.

(Y/n), who had sat on the floor in front of his bed for a stretch, looked over at the woman curiously. They stared at each other for a moment before (Y/n) smiled.


"Um, hi,"


After getting over her shock, the nurse gave the boy a quick checkup before going to get him breakfast.

(Y/n) flipped through the channels, stopping at a channel broadcasting the sports festival. He thanked the nurse as she pushed a table with a tray of food over his lap. Cememntos built what looked like a stage and the first match, Midoriya vs. Shinso, started.

Midoriya ran at Shinso. The purple haired boy activated his quirk, taking control of his opponent. He turned, walking painfully slow towards the edge of the stage. His quirk activated, marking his first two fingers with red lightning as he urged himself to move. He got closer and closer to the edge of the stage.

"You probably don't understand, but even with a quirk like this, I have my own dream." He narrowed his eyes as Midoriya's foot lowered closer to the out of bounds line. "Now, lose for me."

Midoriya's fingers flexed, blowing wind behind him. He was released from Shinso's quirk and took loud, deep breaths.

"Th-this is...! Midoriya's stopped!" The boys red shoes inches away from the out of bounds line. The crowd cheered as Midoriya looked back at his opponent.

"You shouldn't be able to move freely! What did you do?" Midoriya covered his mouth, stopping himself from answering. He stood there for a second thinking to himself before looking down at his two broken fingers. "What did you do?!"

He moved his hand from his mouth, putting it on his wrist and gritting his teeth. The boy shook his head, clearing the thought from his head and turned to face his opponent in an attempted fighting stance.

"Say something." Midoriya stayed quiet. "You can produce that much power just by moving your fingers? I'm jealous." He stayed quiet, moving closer to Shinso. "Thanks to my quirk, I've been behind from the start. Someone who's been blessed like you can't understand, can you?" Again, there was no response.

"Someone like you who was born with the ideal quirk! Someone who can reach your goal!" Midoriya grabbed Shinso's shoulder, pushing him back. "Say something!" He punched him in the face. He got almost no response as Midoriya continued to push him towards the line.

Shinso punched the boy's injured fingers and Midoriya flinched, losing his grip and stumbling forwards. He pushed his hand into Midoriya's face and shoulder, pushing him towards the line.

Midoriya retaliated by grabbing the collar of the other boy's shirt and his forearm. He yelled out in pain, likely from tensing his broken fingers, planted his foot in the ground and used his opponent's momentum against him. Shinso was pulled over the green head's shoulder and slammed into the ground.

The entire stadium went quiet. Midnight raised her hand. Announcing that Shinso was out of bounds.

"Midoriya advances to round two!" The stadium broke out in cheers and the channel cut to commercials.


"Next up is ... These guys!" Present Mics' loud voice boomed through the speakers and the fighters were displayed on the big screen. "He's good, but what's with the plainness he just can't get rid of? From the hero course, it's Hanta Sero!" The camera panned up his body as he stretched his arms, hands, shoulders and neck. "Versus-- Taking second, then first in the prelims! You're way too strong kid! He wasn't recommended for admission for nothing! Also from the hero course, Shoto Todoroki!" The camera panned over his body as well, but he stood still, the only thing moving was the dancing flames next to him. "And now, for the second match of the finals-- Ready ... Start!"

As soon as the word rang through the air, Hanta thrust his arms forwards, wrapping Shoto in tape and tightening them. The boy was swung in an ark towards the out of bounds line. Before he could make it, the ground was covered in ice. It shot from Shotos foot, across the stage and at Hanta.

The stadium shook and its inhabitants went silent as ice shot up, extending past the walls. The tape wrapped around Shoto's body was shattered.

"Sero, can you still move?" The judge, shivering and half covered in ice, spoke out.

"O-of course not."

"Sero is immobilized. Todoroki advances to the second round!" The crowd was silent for a second before they started to chant.

"Don't worry about it!"

"Sorry, I went overboard." Todoroki started to unfreeze his hostage. "I was angry."

Naturae (BNHA x Son of Aizawa! Mother Nature! Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now