62. Feel the pain

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??? POV.

"Let's go to the Airport now" I said and he nod "Will do Sir"

I felt the van move and I sighed and ruffled my hair from frustration

"Jinsun Jinsun Jinsun.. Idiot as always"


Cindy's POV.

"Just place your bag their unnie" I said while pointing at the living room

We just got back from getting our things "Hey cine" I hummed while drinking water

"After the operation.. how many hours will y/n wake up?" I looked at her and put my cup on the sink

"I'm.. not sure. Later unnie i'll ask uncle" she sighed and nod "Go to sleep unnie, i'll just do my half bath" she nods her head and lay down on her bed

While I went to my bag and grab some clothes and went inside the bathroom

Suzy's POV.

I kept on punching him none stop "I-i'm s-sorry.." I kicked him on the chest "Y-your sorry i-i-sn't enough.. I l-lost m-my s-sister.. m-my p-parents.. b-because of you!"

I was about to charge on him when someone slammed the door open

We turned our heads to see.. MINHO?!

"What the hell are you doing h-" I stopped talking when he punched Jason

"YOU KILLED HER!" He kept on punching him hard on the face "HYUNG! STOP!" We turned our heads to see a very familiar guy

He went to Minho and stopped him from punching Jason, I noticed Minho's eyes are really puffy

He is also gritting his teeth "Let me go.. YOU DESERVE TO DIE YOU BASTARD!"

I widen my eyes "What are you doing here?!" Irene unnie shouted while looking at Minho and he glared at the guy

"Because of you.. she's gone.. I PROMISED HER FATHER YOU ASSHOLE!" He is trying to break free from the grip of the guy he is with

"LET ME GO!" I went to him and he looked at me "What do you mean Minho?" I said coldly

"Your Father.. he wanted me to protect y/n.. until my last breath.. I promised.." he started to cry

I was speechless 'Why? Why would dad do that?'

"I don't care if you think shit about me Suzy nor anyone in this room." He said coldly "I'm here just because of y/n.. no one else."

I slapped him "How dare you.. burst in here-"

"Noona.. I let him.." We turned our heads to see Liam? "What do you mean.. you let him?" I asked while looking at him and he sigh

He started to walk to us and he stopped between me and Minho

"What.the hell.are you.doing?" He frowned "I can't let y-you hurt h-him.. y/nn's.. orders.."

I widen my eyes "WHAT?!" Irene unnie shouted "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Irene unnue continued

"Y-you'll k-know soon-" I cutt him off "NO! ENOUGH OF THAT LINE! TELL ME! NOW!" He sighed

"No can do noona.. sorry.." I gritted my teeth and pull out my gun and pointed it at him

He widen his eyes so as the others "Suzy.. what are you doing?" Jieun unnie asked and I ignored it

I glared at Liam "You'll tell me or.. I'll shoot you"

Jisoo's POV.

We widen our eyes when she said that "Suzy.. put that gun down" Jieun unnie said while slowly walking going to Suzy unnie

"I'll give you.. 10 seconds.. I won't hesitate to shoot you" My heart is beating really fast

"Bae Suzy." Irene unnie said coldly "10..9..8..7.." I looked at Irene unnie who placed her right hand on Suzy unnies left shoulder "Bae Suji, Put that gun down this instant."

Suzy unnie sighed and obeyed, some of us sighed in relief

I looked at Minho Sunbae who is still glaring at Jason oppa "Hyung.. let's go.." Liam said while looking at Minho Sunbae and he nod

"Now let me go" the guy Minho sunbae with let him go, he is quit familiar though

I forgot his name "One more punch" Minho Sunbae punched Jason oppa one more time on the face and they started to leave

"Okay.. what was that all about?" Sua said and I sighed "Suzy. What is wrong with you?" Jieun unnie said while looking at Suzy unnie

"What else?! Can't you see?! They are hiding something from us!" Some of us flinched by Suzy unnies shout

"You over reacted Suzy! You will shoot an inoccent boy just because he didn't tell you! We could've done something else! Not like that! Are you even thinking?!" Irene unnie shouted while looking at Suzy unnie who sighed

"I'm sorry.. I couldn't t-think properly b-because.." she started to cry "I can't h-help b-but miss y-y/n.. I j-just-" she stopped talking and burst into tears

Irene unnies eyes soften and hugged Suzy unnie, I started to cry too even the others

"I m-miss her u-unnie.. W-we j-just g-got her b-back.. and this..? Not e-even a month s-she's with us.. and she's gone.." We all burst into tears

"L-lord.. why..? Why..? WHY?!" Suzy unnie shouted and she broke down in tears

I sighed and wipped my tears

Cindy's Dad/ Danny's POV.

Just few more hours.. it's time for them to leave "H-how long w-will it finish?" I sighed

"I have no clue.." they all sighed "After about.. an hour we have to go and get ready" I nod my head

"What do you g-guys t-think..?" Jinyoung hyung said and we looked at him "What do you mean hyung?" He looked at me

"What if.. y/n.. l-lost h-her memories..?" We widen our eyes "G-guys.. h-he has a p-point.."

I couldn't talk, my mouth just went agape. I couldn't think properly too

"S-shit.." I mumbled and closed my eyes

Yohan's POV.

I frowned while looking at her, I am already done. I just got done doing everything I needed to do

I brought her back.. but there's a problem.. a very bad one..

I sighed and closed my eyes "Hyung?" I hummed "What's wro-IS SHE BACK?! DID YOU DO IT?!" I nod my head and open my eyes

"I brought her back and maybe about an hour or so, she'll wake up.." I sighed and looked at Eunwoo who is now stroking y/n's hair

"But.. there's a problem.." he looked at me "What?" I sighed

"Her memories.. will be gone"

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