56. Unknown Caller

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Your POV.

"You idiot.." I mumbled and sigh "I'm leaving you guys" I said and went to the door and they didn't stop laughing making me roll my eyes once again

I unlocked the door and went out


Suzy's POV.

I was eating macarons while using my phone and waiting for y/n to come out

"Hey unnie" I looked up to see Yuris and I smile "Hey" she sat beside me "Uhm unnie, I have a question" I nod my head while looking at her and she looked at my phone

"Oh? Your wallpaper is y/n?" I looked at my phone and smile "Yeah, she's really important to me and I really love her. I'm happy she's back, I wouldn't be okay if she came back after a year"

I sighed and closed my phone and looked at her again "So, what's your question again?" She gulped and I noticed her tense but I shrugged it off

"I just wanted to ask if.. uhm.. what will you do if you find out that y/n's dating someone?" I raised my eyebrow

"Why? Is she dating someone?" She shook her head "Like I said unnie, If" I hummed "I wouldn't be okay with it, you know about Nayeon-ssi right? I didn't like her really, I don't really trust her at the same time. So if y/n dates someone again, same thing, I won't trust the person and won't like that person"

She tilt her head "Why?" I sighed "I just don't like seeing y/n.. with someone already, like you know what I mean" she nods her head

"And I became really protective to her and I know she gets annoyed by it but you know me" she giggled

"I just really don't like it.. I mean, If she really loves that person then i'll let her but ofcourse I still won't like that person nor trust" I continued

"I'm also scared to see her in pain, hearing about her ex that cheated on her triggered me and that made me became more protective to her and doubting about her having relashionships"

I sighed thinking about my ex too, that bastard.. aish..

"I-is that s-so" I raised my eyebrow and looked at her suspiciously "Do I not know something Yuris-ssi?" And she shook her head

"No, n-nothing" she gulped and tensed up making me doubt that she is telling the truth "Yuris-ssi.. i'll ask you one more time.. is Y/n dating someone?"

She was about to speak when the door opened where Y/n's in and she walked out the room and laughters were heard inside

"What was that all about?" Jisoo asked while looking at y/n who's now closing the door "They teased me" she pouted and went to me and sat beside me

"Teased you about what?" She looked at me "That i'm a bottom" I widen my eyes "THEY WHAT?!" and her eyes widen

I think she realized what she said "U-unni-" I cutt her off "They are in the room right?" I was about to stand up when she hold my wrist

I looked at her "Don't unnie.. They are right anyways" I widen my eyes "BAE Y/N!" She laughed "L-look at your f-face"

I raised my eyebrow and she started to stop laughing "I-i'm just joking u-unnie, they were watching something in Yujin unnies phone and I don't know what it was"

She giggled and I looked at her eyes to see if she is telling the truth or not "I'm telling the truth unnie don't worry, now chill. I want cuddles"

She opened her arms for me to hug her and I hummed "Please unnie, I want cuddles~" she did aegyo making  my eyes widen

"DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?! Y/N JUST AEGYO! I REPEAT Y/N JUST AEGYO!" Jihya said making y/n flustered "I h-hate you g-guys.." I giggled and hugged her

"You looked cute" I said and she put her head on my shoulder "You know unnie.. I realized something" I hummed

"I'm closer with you than Irene unnie" I giggled "I really want to go to her and cuddle or something cause I want her affection, but look at her" We looked at Irene unnie who's cuddling with Seulgi unnie

I giggled "Just go ask her y/n, she'll do that" she pulled away and looked at me weirdly "What?"

"Are you serious unnie?" I chuckled "Your weirder than me" she mumbled and I smacked her arm playfully

"What? I'm just stating the fact" I rolled my eyes playfully "Y/N! SOMEONE'S CALLING ON YOUR PHONE!"

We turned to see Yujin walking to us and handed y/n's phone to her "Who is that y/n?" Irene unnie asked while looking at us

I looked at the caller and it's an unknown caller.. but the number is familiar

Y/n immedietly stood up "I'll be back! It's Jessie unnie!" She said and before any of us could say anything, she immedietly went outside at the balcony

I raised my eyebrow "What was that all about?" Irene unnie asked while looking at me and I sigh "That number.." I mumbled

I started to think about it "Suz?" I hummed "You okay?" I sighed and looked at Irene unnie "That callers number.. is really familiar"

Irene unnie raised her eyebrow "What do you mean?" I hummed "It was an Unknown Caller.. she said it's Jessie and I don't know who she is but I only know is that she was with y/n, Cindy and Jimin when they went to Norway"

She raised her eyebrow "Jessie? You mean.. Jessie unnie?" Katey said while sitting where y/n sat

"You know her?" She nods her head "Yeah, she's one of y/n's close friends" I raised my eyebrow "Y/n has many close friends" I mumbled and she laughed

"I know right! How to be her.." I chuckled "Yeah and by the way did you say that.. it was an unknown caller?" I nod my head and she tilt her head

"Huh? But.. Jessie unnies number is saved in Y/n's phone. And her name in her contacts is Jezzunnie with a black heart" she snorted after she said that "That's weird.. but yeah"

I started to think deeply and when I knew who called y/n, my breath hitched

"N-no.. it c-can't be.." I mumbled and looked at Irene unnie who's already looking at me "What is it?"

I immedietly stood up "I know who called y/n.. and it's not Jessie" they looked at me confused "Who is it?"

I looked at the balcony "Jinsun.. it's Jinsun"

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