Episode Fifteen 🌹

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It's been three months since the incident with Cater happened and Nasir has been with me ever since. We're not completely back together just yet since I don't necessarily trust him, Nicole isn't dead but she does have some missing body parts.

"Mommy I'm back!" Za'Niyah came into my small study and threw her bookbag on the floor, I looked at her and gave her a stern stare. "Get that bag off my floor." Pouting she picked up her bookbag and placed it on the couch that I had.

"Daddy got u?" I asked and she nodded before sitting next to me while looking at my new tattoo design. "Is that a snake?" She asked pointing to it. I nodded and pulled it closer to her, "It's our new family tattoo." I smiled at her and she looked at me with wide eyes.

Even though Nasir is still in the gang shit he's been able to keep it far away from me and his daughter. "Family tattoo?"

"Yup, when you turn 18 you'll get this because, Nasir can be a very dangerous man when it comes to his family. I want people to look at this tattoo on your body and I want them to know they shouldn't mess with you." I smiled at her.

She nodded and traced it with her fingers. "So I won't be bullied like you?" I nodded and kissed her head.

Soon after Nasir walked into my study with a bag of food. "so I got a happy meal and an adult meal." Niyah smiled and jumped up to get her food. "Thanks daddy!" She ran out the study and into her bedroom.

Nasir sat across from me and I stared at him before sighing. We haven't had the much needed talk just yet but I think now should be the time we have it.

"Look, Nasir. Im gonna give you a second chance to tell me the truth about what happened with you and Nicole." I said and he nodded.

"Like I said, I was tipsy. Nicole came up to me saying stuff like "it should be me and you" she kept trying to get my attention but I didn't allow her. I tried my absolute best to ignore her, then she suddenly kissed me and that was the same moment you walked outside. It was too quick and sudden for me to react before you."

I looked in his eyes and I saw nothing but genuine regret, leaning back. I nodded slowly. "I believe you, you know your gonna have to win back my trust right?" I asked him and he nodded.

A small smile crept to my face. "Good, now what you think?" I showed him the family tattoo I had designed. "Wow Jay, it's beautiful."

Licking my lips I finally asked the question i needed the answer to. "What happened to Carter?"

He took a moment to respond, probably trying to find the right words. "Nobody knows, he just left. There's no traces nothing. His house is empty, there's no Carter."

I frowned and tilted my head. "So you saying he just fell off the face of the earth?" Nasir nodded and I sighed.

Even though i had Nasir by my side I still feared that Carter would come back, I don't know much about the game since it's actually changed a lot since then but I do know that they always want revenge.

Looking through my notebook I find an empty page before starting to doodle. Sometimes I get into those moods where I just draw anything and if I like it, then it becomes a new tattoo design.




"So I know yo bitch ass missed me!" Quan shouted while opening the door to my house. Nasir and I were laying on the couch watching movies while Za'Niyah went out with her friends mom.
"It was so quiet." Nasir whined which caused Quan to mug him.

"When you gonna get a girlfriend?" I asked him as he made himself comfortable on the couch next to us. "Uh let's see....never." He smirked so Nasir paused the movie.

"Anyways, Jha isn't getting any better." Ever since Nicole cheated on him he hasn't been himself, he isn't eating, he refused to leave his house and he doesn't want to throw Nicole's stuff away.

I understand how much he's hurt but at the same time I need him to move on and go back to being himself. I hate Nicole put him through this type of heartbreak, Jhacari is a real guy that loves hard as fuck.

He honestly didn't deserve what he got. "I mean there's nothing we can do, the best thing is to check on him, force him to eat and try to be by his side. It's his choice when to finally move on." Nasir spoke.

"Man fuck that, Jha been our best friend for years now and I'll be damned if I let some high school bulling ass whore break him like that, he ain't deserve none of that shit. He's been loyal to death for that slut. As his friends and as his sister we should all be there for him, be there to help his ass get over her."

Quan had a point, he always does. It's not right that we sit around being happy while Jhacari is at home crying his eyes out because his first love broke him.

It's only right we be there for him and try our best to help him. Even if we don't know what the hell to do.

Nobody else said anything as we all sat in silence thinking of ways to help Jha, he's always helped me. When our father died he was there, when mom was hurting he was there. Jhacari is always there for people,

it's only right we be there for him too.

-Authors Note-

Heeeyyyyyyy I bet y'all haven't been expecting this :D I missed this and I missed writing. Like my thumbs hurt now :( buh it was worth it. And yes y'all I'm fuckin back updates every other day tho idk I need to make a schedule and stay on that shit.

Anyways was this chapter worth the wait?

Did y'all enjoy it?

Bai loves and I can't wait to see y'all comments I missed them so fucking much.

-Kee 🦋

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