~chapter one~

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Lets learn some things about Livia Lowe...

Livia Lowe, or Liv as everyone called her was a beautiful 16 year old with short blonde hair and mesmerising blue-grey eyes and a perfect figure. She was a outgoing teenager that was never scared of being honest and had a reckless persona. She was intrusive and was always up for a little mischief and fun. She also feared nothing or no one due to what happened to her when she moved here ...

Livia's mum and dad, Francesca and James Lowe, moved to outer banks to "start a new life" leaving the old one behind. They always talked about how they need to move somewhere peaceful and calm ASAP to restart their lives and as outer banks was "paradise on earth" they decided that this was the place. Liv always thought that they were just running away from something but she didn't seem to mind as she had nothing to lose back LA.

Liv also had a younger sister called Adeline, Della or Dels for short but Liv preferred Dels it was quicker. She was a shy 13 year old with gorgeous dark brown hair with sparkling emerald green eyes. She didn't have that many friends back home maybe one or two, so here she didn't have any and neither did her sister, so it was great that they were bestfriends. They both had a unbreakable bond, they were inseparable, they knew all of each others secrets and were completely themselves in front of each other. They were both lonely so the only good thing was that they had each other.

Back home Liv had a few friends here and there but was never quite sure of them because they never seemed to be genuine or real. They seemed fake, she never got invited to any group outings, which she always found out through Instagram or snapchat, she also felt like they talked behind her back all the time. They were toxic, but she never dared to mention it to them, even though she was tough, she didn't like to break that "bad bitch that doesn't give two fucks about no one" or the "always happy and careless" exterior that she put up. She didn't like showing off any emotions, it was the one thing she didn't like and feared, it made her feel vulnerable and weak. Instead of leaving the group she would just switch between people on the daily not really being close with anyone apart from her sister. She never really fit in with all of those people they're were all snobs and snakes. She didn't like it, but she didn't want to look alone, even though she was so lonely in this world...

Her relationship with her parents wasn't the best but wasn't the worst either. She got on best with her sister. Her parents never really had time for her, so the only way she could fill that empty void of loneliness inside her was when she spent time with her sister which was nearly always. Her sister was actually really cool and fun when around her, she even got in trouble sometimes, she was only shy to new people or people other than her sister in general.

They moved to outer banks about a month ago. They lived at figure 8 but their house wasn't the biggest and most luxurious one it was "fine" but because it was on figure 8 it was considered "rich" even though it was probably the smallest house on the plot. None of the kooks even noticed that someone new had moved in on their land as it was only a month and none of them really left the house as they spent most of their time unpacking. Liv's parents didn't start working yet so their whole family was MIA. No one knew they even existed. Except the men that broke into their home...

A/N so I hope you have all enjoyed the first chapter of sweet pea. I did know whether I should post this as a chapter or not because it was more of a background story about Liv and her family but I did anyways. So I hoped you all like her background let me know if you want the next chapter now or later as I left it on quite a cliffhanger hehe I'm sorry. Please feel free to comment on my story as I want to know if you like it or not.

-J xx

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