Chapter 1: Unsettling News

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Josette woke up to the sound of thunder.  It had been a week since the death of Lawrence Danville made the front page of the newspaper. The police had found him in an isolated area of the park.  His throat had been slashed and he bled to death.  According to his widow, whoever killed him also stole his gold pocket watch and his wallet.  Josette shivered imagining the gruesome scene.  While she had wanted Lawrence out of her life, she hadn't wished him to meet such a violent end.  She hid the newspaper from Lorie and told her Lord Danville had returned to England — permanently.  Josette briefly spoke to Anne Danville on the phone. She gave Anne her sincere condolences and asked what her plans were.  Lady Danville informed her that she and Henry were both returning to London.  Without Lawrence, there was no reason for them to linger in Vienna.  The phone call would be the last time Josette and Anne would ever speak.  The finality of it all made Josette feel relieved, but also melancholy.  She now sat in bed watching the rain come down in heavy sheets outside.

"Maman, why are you sad?"  Lorie appeared in Josette's bedroom and settled herself on the bed, by her mother's side.

"I don't know, ma fille," Josette said wistfully.  "Perhaps it's this rainy, gray weather."

Lorie glanced out the window at the dreary November morning.  It was truly pouring down, and the strong wind blew all the leaves off the trees.  Nature was preparing to greet the winter season which would soon be upon the entire city of Vienna.

"I haven't been to the park in almost a week," Lorie complained.  "I miss seeing Delphine."

"I know, cherie," Josette murmured.  "And I miss Isabelle... I wish we could have joined them for lunch like we had planned... alas... it wasn't meant to be."

"The house has been so quiet," Lorie remarked.  "It's like everyone is really sad and blue."

It was true.  Viktor had been especially gloomy that whole week.  Nicolae picked up on his father's mood and spent his time moping in the study.  Peter, as usual, kept to his room.  The music he composed matched the solemn atmosphere of the entire household.   As for Drogo... as soon as he returned home from his romantic adventures, he locked himself in his bedroom.  Neither Josette nor Lorie had seen him for days.

Josette wondered why they were all so distant.  She assumed the entire episode with Lawrence ruffled Viktor's feathers.  Perhaps his death shocked Viktor as much as it had shocked Josette.  After reading about it in the paper, Viktor suddenly stopped making wedding plans.  He was preoccupied with work and something else... Josette wasn't sure what it was.  She tried talking to him about it, but he closed up like a clam.

"Maman... can we have breakfast downstairs?"  Lorie spoke up, interrupting Josette's train of thought.

"Of course, my love," Josette agreed.  It was time to get out of bed and go on with everyday life.

She pulled a powder blue velvet robe over her shoulders and put her slippers on.  Lorie was already dressed, so they descended the stairs together.  As they passed the study, Josette glimpsed Nicolae inside.

"Lorie, you go ahead to the dining room.  Call for Ana and tell her what you'd like to eat," Josette told her daughter.

"What about you?"  Lorie asked.

"I need to speak to Nicolae.  I'll join you in a few minutes," Josette answered.

She then knocked on the study door that was ajar.  Nicolae raised his eyes.  A sad smile formed on his lips.

"Come in," he told Josette.

Josette entered the room and settled herself on a chair next to Nicolae.  She watched him in silence for a while.  Nicolae raised his eyebrows:

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