Chapter 32: Tragic News

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Viktor was aboard the SS Kaiser Wilhelm II, returning home from New York Harbor.  There were two days left before he would reach Vienna by train, after the ocean liner anchored in Bremen, Germany.  So far, the sailing had been smooth and comfortable.  It was mid-afternoon, and Viktor sat outside on a chaise-lounge in first class, staring at the infinite blue of the Atlantic Ocean while mentally recapping his latest journey.

Overall, he was satisfied with the results of his trip to Mystery Spell.  Under his direct supervision, construction on his Victorian mansion had progressed at an accelerated pace.  The foreman had assured Viktor that all of the work would be completed by the end of the year, including the landscaping — which was quite intricate.  Viktor himself placed the order for several antique Roman stone fountains to be delivered from Italy over the next month or so.  One of them would be placed center stage, right outside the mansion's front entrance.  Viktor spared no expense when it came to objects of fine art.  He had learned to appreciate their long-lasting value over the span of his existence, and planned to impress the locals with his impeccably good taste.

While in Massachusetts, Viktor also took care of some of the more pressing bank business that required his personal attention. Fortunately, Nicolae had been consistently keeping up with his long-distance instructions, and all was going generally well on that front.  Viktor had no doubt that his eldest son was quite capable of managing the enterprise on his own.  But there was an important financial investment that only Viktor could take care of.  In order to cement his benefactor status in Mystery Spell, Viktor had previously made a considerable donation toward the construction of a university that would serve the town well.  On this last trip to America, he made sure that the architectural plans were fully drawn so that he could look them over and make any changes he found necessary.  Construction of the university could now begin, even in Viktor's absence.

His business with the Osbornes was also going to be soon resolved, hopefully in a swift and permanent manner.  Viktor left Drogo in charge of that particular sordid affair.  When it came to sheer brutality, his youngest son was most reliable... and most willing to participate in his father's devious schemes.  While Viktor was sure that Sarah Osborne did not present a problem, he was still concerned about her sister, Sabrina... and mostly about that old enemy of his, Zara Osborne.  She had been one of Viktor's very few intended victims that had somehow managed to escape with her life —and therefore remained a permanent thorn in his side.  Viktor sneered thinking about Zara's eventual demise at the hands of Drogo.  The old woman had no idea what Viktor had in store for her.  But soon... she would no longer bother him.

Viktor's thoughts then turned toward his upcoming reunion with Josette, once he'd reach Vienna.  He hoped that giving her several months away from him to reconsider their relationship had finally convince her she needed him in her life.  Viktor had instructed Peter to constantly remind Josette of Viktor's love for her, in order to break down the last of her defenses.  Lorie was also a key player in Viktor's strategic game:  the little girl was already on his side, and desperately wanted Josette to marry him.  Viktor hoped that Lorie had been able to pester her mother into submission — his stepdaughter could be quite persuasive when she wanted something badly enough.

By the time Viktor was finished reflecting on his current situation, the sun was close to setting over the horizon.  The sky and water were both turning from a deep blue into a cacophony of reds, oranges, violets and pinks.  A brisk evening wind made the temperature plunge by several degrees, and most passengers returned inside the ship for warmth.  Viktor checked his gold pocket watch.

"Almost dinner time," he muttered under his breath.

He got up from the chaise-lounge and slowly made his way toward the third class deck.  There was a particularly plump female passenger in steerage that had already caught his eye, and Viktor wanted to ensure that his prey would not retire to her cabin before he had a chance to corner her and satiate his thirst.

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