Chapter 17: The Fight

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As they entered the house still leaning on each other, Josette gave Peter's arm a gentle squeeze before releasing it. Peter watched her closely and asked:

"Will you be okay?" His green eyes were filled with concern.

Josette nodded. "Yes. Thank you, Peter. I need to speak to my parents... alone."

"If you need me, I'll be in my room," Peter gave her a light kiss on the cheek before disappearing up the dark staircase.

Josette approached her parents. Her expression was grim. They both raised their eyebrows and exchanged a quick glance. They were obviously confused by her demeanor, and especially by Viktor's absence from her side.

"Are you alright, ma fille?" Madame Foret placed her hands on Josette's shoulders, forcing her to look into her eyes.

"No, Maman, not exactly," Josette sighed.

"Is it Viktor?" Papa asked, scrutinizing Josette's face for clues.

Josette nodded in response. "I don't think he's very happy with my decision to return to the opera."

"Oh, no! I am sorry to hear that," Maman shook her head despondently. "You remember our conversation a while back, when..."

"You told me so," Josette interrupted her. "Yes, I do." She backed away so that her mother's hands couldn't quite reach her. "You were right... as always," Josette said dismally, her shoulders sagging.

"Josephine... I am not happy about it," Madame Foret said. "But not entirely surprised either," she added more gently. "What will you do?"

"For now... I will go and look for him," Josette replied. "I think he must be in Lorie's room."

"Yes, last I saw him, he was carrying her upstairs," Monsieur Foret spoke, his voice saddened by Josette's news. "Ma fille," Papa continued, " not apologize to him for singing. Viktor has no right to stop you from doing what you love... what you've always been meant to do."

"Thank you, Papa," Josette smiled wanly. "That means a lot to me. Especially coming from you."

She, of course, was referring to her parents' original reaction when, upon turning eighteen, Josette had informed them of her decision to become an opera singer. At the time, they were furious with her and practically banished her from their home. It was comforting to hear that they had finally changed their minds when it came to her profession... albeit some ten years later.

"We will both support you, if and when you need us," Maman added her voice to that of her husband. "In any way we can."

"Thank you, Maman," Josette looked at Madame Foret with gratitude. "But for now, I think I should speak to him alone."

"Of course, my dear," Maman replied. She then addressed her husband: "Why don't we retire for the evening and give the two of them some privacy?"

Papa kissed Josette's forehead before following Maman up the stairs and to the guest room. Josette heard their door closing softly behind them. She waited for a minute, then took a deep breath and headed toward Lorie's bedroom. She stopped in front of it, hesitating, her hand poised to knock. Unexpectedly, Viktor opened the door. He placed his index finger in front of his lips and whispered:

"Shhh, Lorie's asleep. Let's not wake her."

Josette backed away and made room for him in the hallway. After closing Lorie's door, Viktor said: "Why don't we go to the den? We won't be disturbed there."

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