Chapter 11: Decisions, Decisions

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"Maman! Please read it out loud!" Lorie was pulling on Josette's skirt.

The letter had arrived earlier that day - January 25, 1911. It was the first full-length one Viktor had sent from Mystery Spell, and it had taken over three weeks to get to Vienna. He had previously wired them several telegrams, informing them of his safe arrival and new address. But now, here was finally something in his own handwriting - much more personal and detailed.

"Give me a minute, Lorie," Josette scolded her as she quickly scanned the first page, making sure all of the information could be shared with everyone else, but especially with her child.

They had gathered in the family den, and were seated in various spots around the warm fireplace. Lorie had settled at Josette's feet and looked up at her mother anxiously waiting to hear Papa's words. Madame and Monsieur Foret shared the sofa while Peter plopped into his favorite armchair, by the window. When she was fully satisfied with the content, Josette began reading Viktor's letter to her eager audience.

"January first, 1911, Mystery Spell," Josette spoke in a clear voice:

"My dearest family,

I cannot tell you how much I miss you. Your absence feels as though half of my wretched heart no longer beats within my chest. It has been a little over one month since we've parted, yet to me, it seems like an entire year has passed since I have gazed upon your loving faces. I long for your presence by my side, and miss talking to you terribly. I can almost picture you right now, as you probably sit in our little family room, listening to my words.

It is difficult to find the best place to start, so I shall begin with the latest news: I bought a bank. This may come as a surprise to you, but, while conducting my other business here, I had the opportunity to meet the president of Mystery Spell Bank. He made a very good impression on me, and I found him to be a man of high intelligence and integrity. After speaking to him for a long while, I decided that it would be quite advantageous to invest in the local finance business. Upon further evaluation of the situation, buying the bank seemed like the best overall solution. Especially since Nicolae and Drogo will remain here to oversee its transition and progress, in person. The papers have already been signed and the bank now officially belongs to the Bartholy family. I am convinced it will be a sound investment and benefit us all.

From my previous telegrams, you are surely already aware that I have purchased a Victorian house located just outside of the city, on a three acre property. What you do not know is that I have begun a thorough renovation of the place, including an expansion of the main house, as well as the installation of better landscaping around it. Josette, you will have another beautiful garden to gaze upon when you are here. I hope it will eventually equal my other homes in comfort and beauty.  Alas, achieving this goal will take quite a bit of time and money. I will again have to rely on Nicolae and Drogo to complete this project, as I do not wish to prolong my separation from you for much longer. I hope they will be up to the task...

Speaking of Nicolae and Drogo, after a bit of a rocky start, they finally seem to be adjusting to this novel environment. While the town of Mystery Spell lacks some of the sparkle and glitter of a big city, it is quite charming and has great potential for growth. As part of my personal contribution to its future development, I have donated a considerable amount of money toward the establishment of a local university. I believe that education is key to overall improvement. It will not only provide the townsfolk with new opportunities, but will also attract people from other places to Mystery Spell. Population growth will naturally lead to economic growth, etc. etc. I do not wish to bore you with numbers and statistics, but you get my general drift. A university can only help the town develop in every respect.

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