3. Panda Exhibit

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3. Panda Exhibit

[Zayn’s POV]

I sighed as I swung open the door to the convenience store, thankful that my shift was done. I breathed in the cool air before lighting one up and placing the drag in my mouth.

Smoking, yes a horrible habit, but I’m accustomed to the lectures. I understand that my lungs will shrivel up and I have a great chance of getting cancer and whatever else people nag about. The thing is, I don’t really care. Well, I would care, but right now I just don’t care about much.

I guess you could say I’m kind of a bum. I don’t have a significant other, due to the fact I don’t know what I want) and I’m not in classes. I’m just doing me for a bit. A lot of people frown upon that fact, but they don’t understand the freeness that you feel. A lot of people go day to day, the same routines, wanting to kill themselves at the end of the day. I just have one obligation, which is work, but it’s not even serious.

I sighed and began to walk home, and before you judge me, let me explain. I do have a car and I do drive, but I don’t need to use it if I live literally fifteen minutes away. Besides, I do enjoy the walk home considering it clears my head.

Today, because I have the best luck in the whole world; it began to rain as soon as I was halfway home.

“Joy,” I mumbled under my breath as I hiked my collar a bit more. I ducked my head somewhat low in the sweater, hoping it’d stop some of the rain, but naturally it just kept falling on me. I muttered profanities all the way home, only to see that my mom was already home. I wanted to scream at my stupidity, not realizing I could’ve just called her this entire time.

I grumbled as I walked in only to be greeted by my overly-chipper mother.

“Well if it isn’t my one and only son,” she said as she batted her eyes.

“Uh, yeah mum. It’s me, I guess,” I said as I shook myself off a bit. “Where is everyone?”

“Well your father- or well your sister- you know what? Don’t worry about it,” my mum said as she waved a hand around. “You go to the bathroom and take a hot shower and I’ll get you a nice hot cup of tea. Okay sweetie?”

“Um okay?” I shrugged and went up the stairs, but as I stripped down, I couldn’t help but think of my mother’s strange behavior. Don’t get me wrong, the woman is always strange, but this was new, even for her.

I sighed as I let the hot water cascade gracefully, letting my muscles relax as the water flowed over them seamlessly. It felt so good to be here relaxed. I could just let my mind float away and go wherever it wants to go-

“Zaynie? You almost done love?” My mom said quite clearly. I snapped my eyes open and stuck my head out behind the curtain. She stood there, a smile on her face as I screamed.

“Mum! Get out!” I yelled as she giggled.

“Oh Zaynie, I’ve seen it all before,” she scoffed.

“Mum,” I said, my voice giving her a warning.

“Fine, fine! I’ll be downstairs with your cuppa whenever you’re ready,” she said. I heard her close the door behind her and I let out a breath of relief. She was acting so strange today.

Don’t get me wrong, she is a strange little lady, but she’s my mum so I love her regardless of the current state she’s in. I stepped out of the shower, drying myself off quickly, just in case she wanted to barge in again, and threw on some baggy sweatpants and a white tee.

I stepped out of the bathroom only to find myself being dragged down the hall, my mother then throwing me on the couch, as she began to sit next to me.

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