5.You Look Like a God

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5. You Look Like a God

[Zayn’s POV}

“Do you have everything? I mean, this is big!” My mother said as I zipped up my bag. I shook my head as I smiled, not believing my luck for the day.

“Mum, I’ll be fine,” I said. “Look, I’ll call you when things get settled, okay?”

“Alright, I just- this is huge.”

“I know. I can’t believe this is all happening.”

“And you sure you’ll be okay?”

“Yeah, mum, calm down. It’ll all be okay. Just relax.”

It was hard for me to tell her that when I was on the edge constantly. It had only been about two hours since Liam had told me that I had got the gig. I stared at him shock, but he held up a finger before I could react. Of course, he wanted to hear me sing, and I couldn’t blame him.

At first it was a bit nerve-wracking really, singing in front of famous men, but as soon as I had finished, their faces took me by surprise, considering each of their faces looked surprised. I looked at the four guys in front of me until Niall spoke up.

“How fast can you be ready?” Niall asked.

Thus now, I’m in my room packing some essentials and getting ready to go to London with Liam, Louis, Harry and Niall. It was really exciting, but of course I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, but I guess I just have to dive head first.

I grabbed my bag off my bed, my mother trailing behind me as she prattled off a list of things to do and not to do.

“Don’t let them bully you Zayn. And do try not to be son introverted around them, because you do that sometimes. Oh! Also, remind yourself to shower daily because hygiene is very important. Let’s see, you know to brush your teeth and floss because I raised you properly.”

“Mum,” I groaned, my hand on the door knob. “I’ve gotta go.”

“Just one more thing,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me, engulfing me in her embrace. “I love you so, so much.”

“I love ya too mum,” I said hugging her back.

We stood there for a few moments before she let me go and practically shoved me out the door.

“I love you Zaynie!” She said.


I turned to see Niall standing there by a car; smirking at the name I was given.

“Oh hush,” I said fighting the blush from creeping up on my cheeks. “Let’s go.”

I hopped in the car, Niall following behind me, as I looked at my house.

“You excited?” Niall asked as the driver started up the car.

“Yeah, but, uh, where are the rest of the lads?”

“Oh, yeah, they’re at the- uh- look, just keep an open mind, yeah?”


“Where we’re going, well it’s all a part of the process.”

“What process?”

“Of renaming ourselves, like, modifying our images.”

“How so? Like a makeover?”

“You could say that.”

“I’m not getting a makeover,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not ugly.”

“Well I’m glad to see you’re so humble,” Niall mumbled, but loud enough so I could hear.

“I’m sorry?”

“No one said you were ugly Zayn! We just-”

“Then why do I need a makeover?”

“You don’t need a makeover! We’re just giving you one! You are as beautiful as Adonis, I mean, you look like a god for goodness sakes!”

“Which one?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Which god do I look like?” I said with a smirk. Niall laughed as he shook his head.

“It’s going to be interesting to have you around Zayn,” Niall said as he elbowed me lightly in the side. But I promise, nothing will be too drastic.”

“You sure?” I asked I felt the car stop slowly.

“Yeah! I mean, Lou is the best.”

“Louis does your hair?” I asked, a bit discerned that the one who appears to have slight ADD tendencies would be playing dress-up on me.

Niall laughed out loud before clapping me on the shoulder. “Sorry mate, I forgot that we call Louis that sometimes. Lou, well she is our stylist. She won’t let you go astray man.”

“You sure?”

“Oh yeah. She’s real good about keeping us put together. I’m excited to see what she has in store for you!”

“What if she can’t?”


“What if she can’t find anything for me? Niall, what if this was all a mistake? What if I wasn’t meant for all of this?”

“Zayn, mate, you alright? What do you mean- What if? Are you having second doubts?”

“Well, yeah. What if this is all a big mistake?”

“Zayn, hey, look at me.”

I looked up at Niall, his blue eyes calming me down as I stared into them.

“It’s going to be okay,” he said softly. “Whatever happens, just stay confident in yourself. It’ll all work out okay, alright?”

“Alright,” I whispered, never taking my eyes off of Niall’s. He smiled, bringing his hand up to sweep some hair out of my face.

“Ready?” He asked, finally breaking our eye contact. I nodded, not being able to find my voice as Niall led the way out.

I couldn’t help but feel the butterflies fluttering around my stomach as soon as I had a moment to myself. Niall was just so close to me and I just felt my heart skip a beat.

He was quite a fit lad though. His blonde hair mixed in with his natural brunette roots made his eyes stand out along the light freckles that cascaded along his cheeks. I couldn’t help but notice how Niall’s lips were perfectly symmetrical and honestly, it broke me that he ever had to change how he looked.

I smiled as my thoughts floated around Niall, not being able to get the blonde Irish out of my mind. I mean, I wouldn’t classify myself as straight, or bi, or hell, even gay. I am more of the type of guy that just goes with the flow and whatever comes along.

And, well, Niall did just come along so I see nothing wrong with trying to go with the flow a bit longer.

A/N: Happy new year!!! :)

-Ariel xx

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