7. This Isn't Real

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7. This Isn’t Real

[Zayn’s POV]

“He should dress in this!” Liam protested as he held up some plaid shirts and khaki pants. Harry made a face of disgust as he shook his head.

“No, no, Zayn should wear something sensible. Baggy shirts and skinny jeans,” Harry complained.

“Because that’s what you wear,” Liam huffed.

Louis, Niall, and I had been watching Liam and Harry bicker over my fashion sense. I’m not the most fashion savvy, but I know what I like to wear isn’t so terrible. Sure sweatpants and  shirt may not be deemed ‘appropriate’, but they are sure as hell comfortable.

“Zayn,” Niall whispered. I turned to be faced with bright blue eyes boring into my own and I blinked, realizing his mouth was moving, but I wasn’t really paying attention.

“What?” I asked. Niall rolled his eyes as he began to repeat himself.

“I said that Louis offered to keep the boys distracted if you wanted to go to the back.”

“And do what?” I asked, my eyes beginning to get a bit wider.

“Um, get you into some decent clothes,” Niall said with a chuckle. I felt my cheeks heating up as Niall stood up. I followed him silently as we went to the back of the store and I realized that if I had let myself sit up there, I would’ve been in the salon for a while. The place had tons of clothes, and to be quite frank I didn’t know where to start.

“Wha-” I started until Niall smiled at me cheekily. I loved that about him.

Well not loved per say.

“Zayn?” Niall’s eyes bore into me and I couldn’t help but look anywhere else but him.

“Zayn?” Niall’s voice rung out again, this time seem louder as it rung throughout my ears. I snapped up to look at him until I noticed where we were standing, well it was all black. I gazed at him as he cocked his head at me.

“Niall?” I asked, noting my voice trembling.

“Why won’t you just admit it?” Niall asked, his voice beginning to echo. “Just admit it and get on with it all.”

“I’m sorry?” I asked as I looked around, trying to find a way out. I noted that it was just me and Niall.

“Zayn, stop lying to yourself. It’s embarrassing.”

“I’m not lying to anyone- What are you going on about?”

Niall laughed, his laugh bright and cheery as usual; in the scenario we were in, however, it was a bit demented, thus I winced a bit before he continued to speak.

“Zayn, I see the way you look at me. I know how pathetic you feel.”

“Niall we’ve barely-”

“Don’t with that. You and I both know this isn’t real.”

I gulped, but stayed silent as Niall shook his, his face looking sad as he stared at me.

“Stop creating this fictional life. Stop doing it. Can we just go back to being us?”

“Niall, there is and never will be us,” I said softly.

“But Zayn-”

“No Niall,” I snapped at him. “I know what I want and it isn’t you.”

Niall stood there until a tear rolled silently down his eye. He smiled weakly at me before he began to melt and fade away like water colors. I gasped as I realized he was the light in the dark room. I couldn’t see as the room was completely barren, bleak, and dark.

“Zayn?” I heard Niall’s voice call out through the darkness. I whipped my head around, but to no avail because I couldn’t see anything still.

“Zayn?” I heard his voice again. Although I couldn’t see, I bravely took a step forward. As I took a first step, I heard a more feminine voice call out my name. I couldn’t help but take a step back towards the voice, but as soon as I did Niall’s voice became louder; stronger.

That’s how it was for a while, the two voice fighting back and forth with me, until, well, I gave up. I stopped moving and just closed my eyes. I felt both of the voices clambering my brain until I felt one beginning to weaken.

But it wasn’t the voice I was expecting.

A/n: Just the epilogue left!!! :) xx

-Ariel x

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