Chapter 23

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Jasmin P.O.V

I'm not exactly sure what Chase meant, but I'm positive that I want to do it, Mr. Davenport can't keep our bionics from us, no one can, it's not right... I just can't bear thinking of not having our bionics back. What does my shoulder have anything to do with my bionic chip? I'm sure if we try them everything will be alright... I mean.... How bad could it be?

''Do you think Leo's really going to go on missions with Adam?'' Chase asked.
''Don't know... I'm as confused as you are.... Maybe not as much as Bree though,'' I shrugged, ''maybe she really will get her memory back.''
''Maybe...'' Chase spaced out, ''Maybe we should go downstairs now..''

Bree P.O.V 

''Woohoo!'' the older boy squealed, sliding down from a rope into something that seemed like a... Train, ''Ahh'' something got his attraction.
''Don't touch that, that's necloneum,'' Chase pushed the older boys' hand away.
''That's exactly why I want to touch it..'' he reached his hand out again. Chase slapped it away harder, ''...Ow..''
''Come on, we have to work fast,'' Chase lead.
''Hold on.. I'm updating my status.... Bree is... Facing an unsertain future.'' I typed on my iPhone.
''Hey Chase, you spilled something on your new suit..'' the older boy put his finger under Chase's chin.

Chase looked down, and the boy just randomly flicked him... Gullible..

''Aw, it looks like you've spilled something on your new suit too...'' Chase put his finger underneath the boys chin.
''What, I just got this thing,'' the boy stared down. Chase started flicking him unstoppably, ''Quit flicking me, I'm trying to find the stain.'' Talk about gullible...
''Focus, we've only got fifteen minutes before this thing hits a turn, flies out the tracks, and blows up Welkervill.'' dad's voice came through an earpiece.
''I'm glad I don't live there,'' the boy laughed at the window ubove him.... I'm guessing he doesn't learn much...
''Chase, locate the onboard break, Bree check the tanks for any leaks, and Adam... Get a picture of the spedameter for my webpage,'' dad's voice came through the earpiece again.

Adam... Adam.. Ada-am... Adum... Adam... Sounds kinda familiar... Do I know him...? Of course I know him... I should at least... he's in a lot of my dreams...

''Adam, hand me the descelerator,'' Chase put his hand out.
''Uh.. Oh... I don't know were I left the mission bag...'' did he just say mission? Is there someway to rewind this?
''It's on the roof!'' Someone.. Or something yelled... Wow.. The bag can talk?
''Thanks bag,'' Adam smiled at the open cieling, as the bag fell onto the ground with a loud thump.
''Ow!'' The bag started wiggling around, until the zip opened.

We all stared at the bag.. Leo!

''Leo?'' we all said simultaneously.
''Leo?!'' dad screamed
''Which way's the dining car? I'd like to have a bite to eat before I save the town of Welkervill!'' he exclaimed coolly.
''Leo what are you doing here?'' I asked seeming to panic.
''Joining the mission, I wanna be like you guys,'' Leo smiled... There it was again! Mission!
''But Leo.. You're not like us...'' Adam started smilinga bit, ''and I don't mean that in a bad way, we just have really cool, super features... And you don't.''
Leo stared at Adam in a I'm-going-to-kill-you way.
''Uhh.. Leo.. Where's the descelerator we need to stop this train with?'' Chase jumped into the conversation worriedly.
''You mean that pointy metal thing that was poking me in the butt..?'' Leo questioned.
''It's right here!'' dad yelled agrily.

We all stared at Leo disappointedly.

''Leo, I'm supposed to be watching you!'' dad explained as if Leo was supposed to know that... I'm pretty sure he was.
''Well you are, in gloreous HD,'' Leo smiled.
''Leo without the descelerator we won't-''

Chase started but everything went quiet, as my eyes started to open. Why did I wake up? Why didn't I see what happened next?
This is all too confusing, who's Adam? Do I know him? Everyone I knew except for Adam, was there, but why wasn't Jasmin there?

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