Chapter 5

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Davenport P.O.V 

''Are you absolutely sure that it was Marcus, Douglas and Krane? Marcus is the one who cries a lot right..?'' I asked Adam not sure that this was real.
''Yep, it was them, Marcus acted all nice, but when we found his lair-''
''Cough, cough,'' Leo said iterrupting Adam and expecting him to say something else.
''I mean.. When Leo found his lair... He got all mean and angry...''
''You mean like you when you don't have a cupcake for three days?'' Leo teased.
''Exactly...'' Adam replied not sure of what that meant, ''Hey! I do not get mean and angry when I don't have a cupcake for a few days!'' Adam began getting angry.. Wow... It looks like Leo was right for once..
''Uh-huh..'' Leo rolled his eyes and pointed at Adam from head to toe.

This is really difficult, I don't know what to do for once... How will Adam complete missions without the mission leader, Chase, and Bree, I'm sure Jasmin will be fine to go on missions sooner or later... But that's just a No from me.. I will not let anyone go on missions until they all recover... Unless... No.. What am I thinking?! I'm not going to give Leo bionic abilities... But I'll have to at some point if they don't recover soon enough...

''Adam... I'm just telling you, that you are banned from going on missions from now on...'' I said lightly feeling super bad.
''But Mr. Davenport... How are we going to save the world then? The world is in great danger almost every week because of you inventions!'' Adam exclaimed unhappily... What else could I do.. I couldn't just give Leo a bionic arm... But I could.. With my amazing mind and hansome hair... I might.. At some point..
''Hey, that is not true...'' I declaired, they all stared at me in awe, ''Well... It's not entirely true...'' Hey, it's not my fault I make amazing inventions! ''Just, don't go into the other section of the lab, Chase is asleep, and I need to take his bionic chip out without waking him up.. Adam... I can't believe I'm saying this... But you're the only one who's keeping their chip, since you'll not be able to exit the lab anyways..''
''Awesome..'' Adam high-fived Leo.. Which made him fly back and slam into the wall.. And Adam ended up breaking one of my high-tech computers.
''Last thing I need to do it to Adam-proof the lab...'' I mumbled walking out the door, and into the other half of the lab where Chase was.

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