feeling sick

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its been 1 week and a half 

that morning you woke up to you going to throw up 

you throw up and you thought to your self 

you thoughts 

am i pregnant ?

is it mattia's ?

 am i to young ? 

should i check ? yes no yes no yes 

after that you go t in the car and went to the pharmacy  and got a pregnancy test  yo drove back home took the test and while you wait you call aliz and charlie 

y/n : guys come to my house fast 

charlie  : okay are you okay 

y/n : yes i have to tell you something 

aliz : okay we are on our way 

y/n : okay bye 

after 10 min they got there you told them everything 

y/n : i thin i am pregnant and i think its mattia's 

both: what 

you start to cry and say 

y/n : i am to young i can't do this by myself what is he doesn't want to be in the baby's life 

charlie : hey don't cry and you are not alone me and aliz will help right aliz 

aliz : yeah and it's his loss is he doesn't want to be here with the baby 

y/n : thx guys let me go check

you check and it comes out 


you start to cry and the girls come and they see its positive and they say 

both: where going to be aunts  ( not by blood but yeah ) 

charlie :  are you going to tell mattia 

Y/N : idk 

aliz : you should to see what he says 

y/n : okay i will tell him tomorrow  but lets go look for a house  for us 

both : yeah lets go 

you guys went and look for an house and you guys found two that you guys like after 3 hours 

y/n : should we get house 3 or 7

charlie : 3 

aliz : 7 

charlie : which one do you like y/n

y/n : i kinda like 7  because it has a bigger yard for the baby to play 

aliz : so lets get house  7 

charlie : okay 

realtor : so which house would you guys like 

y/n : house 7 

realtor : okay come sign some papers and pay and you may have the key  

all of you : okay 

you guys all pay your share and you guys get the key to the house 

realtor : there you go you may move in whenever you want 

all of u : okay 

y/n : i will drop you guys off for you to pack and we will move in tomorrow 

both: okay 

you left them at there house and  went home and started packing you finished earlier   so you went to mattia's house and tell him about the baby 

once you got there you were nervous you knocked and mattia opened the door 

mattia : oh hey want you want 

y/n : can you come outside i have to tell you something 

mattia : okay 

you guys sat down and you told him everything 

y/n : i am um pregnant and i's your  

mattia : WHAT 

y/n : sorry  i had to tell you 

mattia : no it is not mine  your lie - ing 

y/n : no i am not you are the only person i yk 

mattia : okay i don't care i will not have this baby ruin my life 

y/n : okay you don't have to be in the life i just had to tell you but bye

mattia : okay i don't care and don't come near me bye 

you left and went to your car and started crying  you got home and showered and went to sleep 



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One Night Stand _-_-_-_ mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now