baby's appointment

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The next morning you woke up at 7:00 am 

you got in the shower  after you did your make up and got dressed  you ate some  toast with avocado  by the time you were done it was 8 : 00 so you grab the keys and went to go pick up ale, kairi  when you guys  were done picking them up it was 9:00 and the doctor was  56 min away 


when you got there the yo sign in and 3 min after they called you they put you in room 8 then 15 min later the doctor  came and put this gel on your belly and she said she will be back then charlie said 

charlie : i think it's twins 

aliz: i think it's one baby 

ale : i think it's one baby 

kairi : i think it's twins 

y/n : i don't care i will love the baby or babys

then the doctor came and said the baby is fine  and you can come back when you are 3 months to tell you the gender 

y/n : it one baby 

doc : yes 

y/n : okay once he left you were able to leave then aliz said 

aliz: i guessed right 

kairi : yeah yeah 

ale: me two 

charlie : what ever  

after you guys went to chick -fil -a when you guys where done  you guys went to your guys house and watch a movie then there was a knock a ale went to go get it was mattia and cynthia 

ale: come in i guess 

both: okay 

then when you saw who it was you said 

y/n : i am going to go to my room and nap 

the girls : we will go with you 

you guys got upstairs  you heard them talking 


me : what is wrong with her 

cynthia : i am going to go "home"

me : okay bye babe

we kiss and she leaves and i ask again

me : what is wrong with her 

ale : idk maybe you brought your girl to y/n 's house 

kairi: yeah and she is over here caring your child but you don't care you over here living life like nothing 

ale: and she over here making sure the baby is fine and it's hard for her to do it alone she is 16

me: i don't care that baby was a mistake and she was too 

kairi : so if you get cynthia pregnant you gone a leave her too

me : no because i love cynthia and she is the love of my life  and y/n was a one night thing i don't even like her 

ale : okay  that 's it you are not going to disrespect y/n in HER and HER FRIENDS house leave 

me : fine whatever we are not friends no more 

kairi : we don't care go back to your h03 we have y/n and she is nice and caring 

me : she is not a h03 and whatever bye 

 ale /kairi : bye 

end of pov

you came downstairs and hugged both of then and you started crying you said 

y/n : thank you guys are the best 

both : your welcome 

y/n : i have an idea how about you guys move in here 

ale : really let me ask my mom 

kairi: same 

both : they said yes 

y/n : it's late you guys can sleep here again and we will get your stuff tomorrow

both :okay  

charlie : come on ale ... gn every one 

ale : gn 

aliz : come on kairi.... gn 

kairi: gn 

y/n : good night 

your thoughts 

i am happy charlie and aliz found someone that loves and cares for them  

i will never find love 

what gender do you want the baby ? 

what gender do you want the baby ? 

what gender do you want the baby ? 

what gender do you want the baby ? 

One Night Stand _-_-_-_ mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now