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you woke up at 6:30 am  you were the first one awake so you started making breakfast for everyone  before you finished you heard someone coming downstairs it was .......charlie 

y/n : good morning

charlie : good morning

y/n : i made breakfast here 

charlie : thx  

y/n: your welcome 

then you see aliz and kairi 

y/n: good morning aliz an kairi 

both : morning

y/n :  i made breakfast here

both : thx 

y/n :  your welcome

once you finished eating you guys took showers 

once you  guys were done getting ready you guys got in the car kairi went in his car because he has to pick the boys up 

once you guys got there you entered the school and the first person you saw was MATTIA 

but you and the girls walked pass him and his group but you all gave kairi a hug before you guys went to class  and you can tell mattia was confused  then you and the girls head to class   you guys have every class together 

mattia pov 

i see y/n and her friends enter the school and for some reason they came up to us and they all gave kairi a hug i was so confused  but then i see her walk away and you can see her little baby bump and she had a big ass then i ask kairi why they gave him a hug 

me : kairi why did y/n and her friends give you a hug 

kairi : oh i am friends with them and i bought y/n a stroller and a car seat for the baby  and also i stayed the night at her house 

me : oh but why did you buy her that stuff and stayed at her house 

kairi : because i wanted to and she asked me if i wanted to stay cause it was late 

me : oh okay well bye i am going to class 

end of pov 

you see mattia enter class and you can't help but stare then you see him look at you 

so you look away 

then 1st period finishes  SKIP TO LUNCH 

you guys get to lunch but you go to the bathroom before because you feel like throwing up 

you go and throw up then you wash your mouth then when you walk out you see mattia making out with a girl  you feel sad because you liked him since freshmen year  but you just walk past like nothing then you go get your lunch and head to the girls you sit and they ask you why you are crying 

girls : why you crying 

y/n : i saw mattia making out with a girl 

charlie : oh baby it okay you don't need him 

aliz : yeah you have us and kairi 

y/n : yeah you guys are right thx 

the girls : that what bsf are for 

after lunch  kairi came up to you 

kairi : are you okay 

y/n : yeah why? 

kairi : oh okay because when you entered the lunch room you look like you were crying 

y/n : oh i was but i am fine now 

kairi : oh okay  and can i come over later 

y/n : sure bye 

kairi: bye 

after school you guys went home  and eat and and before you guys put a movie on there was a knock on the door you went to go get it it was kairi  and behind him were the boys even mattia 

y/n: oh hey come in 

kairi : thx and this is ale , mattia , Alvaro, Roshaun

y/n : hey i am y/n 

all the boys : hey 

y/n : come in  we were about to watch a movie 

as they entered you see ale looking at charlie 

y/n: this is charlie and aliz  charlie and aliz this is ale , mattia , Alvaro, Roshaun

the girls : hey 

the boys : hey 

y/n : what kind of movie do you guys want to watch 

boys : a scary movie 

girls : fine whatever 

 you guys put it on then you go get snakes and you give some to everyone half way through the movie you  see  ale and charlie cuddling and you also see kairi and aliz cuddling then   there is a jump scare you and the girls scream while the boys laugh so you text the girls to go to the kitchen so they do and you tel them the plan to scare they boys 

first  you guys go out side to the power box and turn them off then you guys enter the girls go to the boys while yo go up stares  ad get a clown mask to scare the boys  then you back down and start to softly touching and blow to every one and then you say BOO and all the boy scream like little girls you and the girls laugh but you see the time and its 10:35 

y/n: guys we should go to bed we have school 

the boy and girls : okay 

y/n : you guys should stay it late 

boys : okay but where are we going to sleep  

charlie : someone can sleep with me 

aliz : and someone can sleep with me

y/n : and someone can sleep with me and we have one gust room 

ale : i will sleep with charlie if it fine 

charlie : sure  good night everyone 

they head  upstairs and you say 

y/n : use protection 

they laugh and they get in the room  

kairi : i will go with aliz again 

aliz : okay  

before they leave you say the same and they laugh

Alvaro, Roshaun : will take the gust room

y/n : okay i will take you guys 

you take them and then you turn around and see mattia so you say 

y/n : that means you sleep in my room 

mattia : yeah whatever 

you guys head to your room and you give him sweats and a hoodie 

you go to your bathroom and change and do your night routine you come out and see mattia on his phone smiling  you say good night and face your back to him before you fall asleep you feel mattia hand around your waist you get happy and go to sleep 

One Night Stand _-_-_-_ mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now